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时间:2024-05-10 22:18来源:95341



Analysis of the influence of the change of camp to the enterprise tax burden

Abstract:Economic policy is the guiding principle and measure of economic issues formulated by the state or the government in order to achieve the goal of full employment, stable price level, rapid economic growth, balance of payments and other  macroeconomic policies and to promote economic welfare. "Camp to increase" this program to the whole of China's market has brought great shock, for the economic development and rational allocation of resources has a positive meaning. But at the same time, we should a lso be on the market "camp by" policy for timely analysis and exploration. The irrationality of our tax structure has seriously hindered the further  development of the economy. For example, the  situation of repeated taxation has increased the pressure of corporate tax burden. Based on the example of tax reform, this paper expounds the main problems in the implementation of the policy of "increasing the operation", analyzes the impact of the tax reform policy on the enterprises in terms of the pros and cons, and discusses the impact of the enterprises on the impact research. Finally, in the process of analyzing the problem, put  forward relevant policy recommendations.

Keywords:small and medium- sized enterprises; battalion increase


0引言 1

1相关理论概念 1

1.1营业税增值税概念 1

1.2中小企业概念 2

2营改增的意义和作用 3

2.1避免重复征税,有利于经济结构调整 3

2.2有利于实现自主创新和产业结构升级 3

2.3促进中小企业发展 4

3营业税改增值税对中小企业的影响 4

3.1营改增对中小企业流转税负的影响 5

3.2营改增对中小企业所得税负的影响 5

4案例分析 5

4.1案例背景 5

4.2案例介绍 6

4.3案例分析 7

4.4企业面对的挑战 7

4.4.1税负变动 8

4.4.2会计核算不健全 8

4.4.3日趋复杂的产品造价 8

4.4.4营业税依然存在 9

5企业应对营改增的有效措施和建议 营改增对企业税负的影响分析:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_203755.html
