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时间:2024-05-10 22:26来源:95344




Research on the Innovation of Internet Finance in Big Data

Abstract:With the Internet economy triumph, the speed and scale of data are constantly rising dramatically, the potential value of large data more and more obvious, greatly changed the way we work and life. The innovation and development of Internet  financial services mainly benefit from the application of large data technology. Therefore, the innovation research of Internet finance under the background of large data is the requirement of the development of the times and has important practical significance. This paper analyzes the core functions of fund raising, capital financing and monetary payment under the background of large data, and finally analyzes the future development of Internet finance in China.

Keywords:Large data; Internet finance; Core functions; Innovation;


0引言 1

1大数据及互联网金融概述 1

1.1金融大数据概论 1

1.1.1大数据的含义及特点 1

1.1.2大数据带来的变革及在金融中的应用现状 2

1.2互联网金融概论 2

1.2.1互联网金融的发展土壤及特点 2

1.2.2互联网金融与传统金融的碰撞 4

2大数据时代互联网金融的发展现状分析 5

2.1SWOT分析及具体的发展战略 5

2.2互联网与普惠金融 7

3大数据时代下的资金筹集—P2P网贷 8

3.1大数据在网络筹集中的应用 8

3.1.1网络筹集的概述 8

3.1.2大数据在网络筹集中的作用 8

3.2网络借贷—P2P网贷平台模式 9

4大数据时代下的资金融通—理财产品 11

4.1大数据在资金融通中的应用 11

4.1.1互联网理财产品的概述 11

4.1.2大数据在资金融通中的作用 12

4.2互联网理财产品的种类 12

5大数据时代下的货币支付—第三方支付 12

5.1第三方支付概述 13

5.1.1第三方支付的概念及特征 13

5.1.2第三方支付的发展现状 14

5.2第三方支付平台模式 15

5.2.1国内典型案例分析—支付宝 15

5.2.2国外典型案例分析—PayPal 大数据时代互联网金融的创新研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_203759.html
