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时间:2024-06-18 21:33来源:95561



Assessment  of the Value  of China  Aluminum  Industry

Abstract:With the continuous development of China Aluminum, the importance of value evaluation is more and more obvious, good value assessment can maximize  the  value of enterprises, and thus continue to develop. China Aluminum is China's aluminum industry's leading enterprises, so the selection of China Aluminum as a case enterprise. In this paper, the basic theory of enterprise value evaluation is summarized, and the value evaluation method is used to evaluate the value  of China Aluminum  Industry, and the results are analyzed. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that the cost method is more suitable and Can be used in a variety of ways to assess the results in a comprehensive and comprehensive selection, in the decision- making should be combined with the actual situation of enterprises. Taking aluminum industry as an example, it analyzes the value evaluation model of aluminum enterpr ises, which is beneficial to the enterprises to perfect the business decision- making. The value evaluation  results  also  refer  to the investors'   reference  significance.

Keywords: Aluminum Corporation of China; Assessment of the Valuation; Cost Method;  Income  Approach;  Market Approach


0引言 1

1企业价值评估的基础理论 1

1.1企业价值评估的背景 1

1.2企业价值评估的概念 2

1.3企业价值评估的意义 2

1.4企业价值评估的作用 3

1.5企业价值评估的方法 3

2应用成本法评估中国铝业的价值 5

2.1中国铝业应用成本法估值 5

2.2影响成本法估值中国铝业的因素分析 7

3应用收益法评估中国铝业的价值 9

3.1中国铝业应用收益法估值 9

3.2影响收益法估值中国铝业的因素分析 12

4应用市场法评估中国铝业的价值 13

4.1中国铝业应用市场法估值 13

4.2影响市场法估值中国铝业的因素分析 14

5中国铝业价值评估方法的对比分析 15

结论 17

致谢 18

参考文献 19



企业价值评估是将待估企业当作有机整体,根据其具有或占据的所有资产状况和全部盈利能力,对企业在市场上的公允价值进行的综合性评估,企业的价值评估可以满足企业价值管理效果最大化的需求。伴随着不断地创新发展,中国铝业的价值评估体系日益完善,并成为国内同行业价值评估的典范。本文通过研究其成功的价值评估体系,为同行业的其他企业提供参考。 中国铝业价值评估研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_204162.html
