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时间:2024-06-18 21:38来源:95563





Tax planning of enterprise investment and financing

Abstract:As we all know, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest is an immutable law, particularly under the environment of market economy and fierce market competition makes the only continuous development and expansion of enterprises can survive  for a long time, maximize enterprise value. Sufficient and effective investment, the integrity of our financing activities necessary to maintain normal production and operation and, therefore, the importance of investment and financing activities on enterprise development. In the process of enterprise investment and financing, will inevitably involve many tax issues, as taxpayers, businesses need to consider is how effective tax planning allows companies to pay the minimum cost while achieving the ambitious goal of maximization of enterprise value, significant for enterprises, which is the key to this study.

Tax planning in Western national has half more century of development history, regardless of is in practice also is theory aspects are development into has a relative mature of industry, phase than Xia, China on tax planning of research also rarely, this main is due to: China market system established of compared late, taxpayers as independent economic interests subject of identity also not full reflected out; everyone on tax planning of connotation not is understand, idea more extreme, depending on its for tax fraud. But with the development of the market economy and the gradual improvement of tax system and market competition environment of the enterprises under the constraint of comprehensive tax, tax preparation business in spite of a late start in China, there is still a tremendous amount of space for development.

Tax planning of enterprises, from the macro point of view, to promote capital flows, strengthen the rational allocation of resources, optimize the economic structure, tax financial leverage can give full play to role of microcosm, helps enhance taxpayer awareness of paying tax, reduce business tax costs, enhance the management level of enterprises, can accelerate the process of socio-economic development. Therefore, the taxpayer must be reasonable, ready to grasp and explain the meaning of tax planning, tax planning on economic activity, select the optimum tax scheme can be better, faster, bigger limit to achieve their financial goals. 企业投资融资的税务筹划:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_204164.html
