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时间:2018-11-15 09:21来源:毕业论文

关键词  中小企业  会计信息披露  问题  建议
Title    Research on China’s SMEs Accounting Information  Disclosure System                                
The number of SMEs is so huge, and their contribution to China’s economic development is so prominent, making them become an important part of China’s national economy, which also asks for higher quality of SMEs accounting information disclosure. There was no accounting information disclosure system for SMEs in our country until the promulgation of small business accounting system in 2006. Although in recent years, our government has made lots of efforts for the construction of SMEs’ accounting information disclosure system, there is still some deficiencies. This paper selected SMEs’ accounting information disclosure system as the research object. First we identify SMEs accounting information disclosure problems, and then based on the principles of SMEs accounting information system construction that should be considered, finally give some effective suggestion to solve these problems.
Keywords  SMEs  accounting information disclosure  problems  suggestion
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  文献综述    1
1.2.1  国外文献综述    1
1.2.2  国内文献综述    2
2  相关理论概述    5
2.1  中小企业界定    5
2.2  中小企业会计特性    5
2.3  会计信息披露    5
2.4  会计信息披露制度    6
3  我国中小企业会计信息披露存在的问题及成因    7
3.1  会计信息披露不真实、不完整    7
3.2  会计信息披露的需求有分散性    7
3.3  会计信息披露单一、不及时    7
3.4  中小企业会计制度不健全    8
3.5  会计信息披露成本过高    8
3.6  相关法律法规等的制定实施有困难    9
4  建立中小企业会计信息披露制度的原则    10
4.1  考虑中小企业自身特点    10
4.1.1  成本效益角度    10
4.1.2  会计信息的主要使用者角度    10
4.2  会计核算原则的考虑    10
4.2.1  相关性原则角度    10
4.2.2  可靠性原则角度    11
4.2.3  可比性原则角度    11 我国中小企业会计信息披露制度研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_25877.html