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时间:2019-01-08 21:45来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:    营业税;增值税;现代服务业;
Analysis of the influence of value added tax on modern service industry
Abstract: Business tax levy value-added tax is conducive to optimizing the structure of industry of our country, an effective solution to the contradictions in the tax collection and management, to create a fair environment for development. At present, the camp changed to increase the pilot, including transport, some modern service, postal service and telecommunications industry. This article in the analysis of modern service industry to carry out the business tax VAT pilot implementation background focuses on analysis the "camp to add" and modern service industry enterprise's tax status. It is concluded that "camp to add" to solve the troubled years of double taxation issues, to the modern service industry to create a more powerful environmental tax reform and development space. However, everything has two sides, "camp to add" system for most of the enterprises in the modern service industry is a gospel, but for a small part of the enterprise is not conducive to their future growth. In the camp changed to increase, while giving certainly, but also trying to find a conducive to the camp changed to increase the implementation of the strategy.
KeyWords:    Sales Tax; Value added tax; The modern service industry;
一、绪论 1
二、调查现状及存在的问题 2
(一)营业税与增值税的差异分析 2
1.征税对象 2
2.计税依据 2
3.征收税率 2
4.计税方法 2
(二)营业税、增值税的优劣势分析 2
1.营业税的优劣势分析 2
2.增值税的优劣势分析 3
(三)“营改增”过程中存在的问题 4
1.不同行业税负变化存在差异 4
2.在一定时间内不利于现代服务业的投资 4
3.现代服务业的出口退税问题不明确 4
1.利于我国产业升级、结构转型 5
三、营业税改增值税对现代服务业的影响 7
(一)此次“营改增”税改政策的基本规定 7
(二)税负分析 7
2. 流转税金及附加的增长8
3.可抵扣进项税额的增加 8
4.企业所得税的减少 8
5.税改利益的市场分配 8
(四)合理定价12 营业税改增值税对现代服务业的影响分析:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_29025.html