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时间:2019-07-21 20:11来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:保险资金 运用渠道 中国人寿 政策建议
 Analysis on Chinese Insurance Funds Investment Channels
Abstract: With the continuous improvement of the financial market, more and more people pay attention to the development of the insurance industry. Effective capital operation is the pillar of modern insurance industry, and the research of application of insurance funds mainly through the analysis of the channel of capital operation. At present, the booming development of insurance provides adequate financial resources for the use of insurance funds; Policy has little limits on use of insurance funds, which makes investment environment become better. All these changes have brought good development opportunities to the investment of insurance funds. Because of old insurance business concepts and the strict regulations , insurance has a large gap between developed countries and ours. What’s more, the low investment benefit, the narrow investment channels, unreasonable structure and the backward capital management all have big impacts on it. At the same time, along with the expansion of investment of insurance funds in China, the risk of investment of insurance funds are also beginning to be highlighted.
Firstly, this paper studies the use of insurance funds , analyzes the channels of insurance funds, and compares the differences in the international insurance industry with the developed countries. Besides, in order to improve the yield, this paper takes China life insurance company as an example, combined with the recent national policies , to put forward suggestions on how to broaden the investment channels actively, and to improve the operating mechanism of investment to establish risk control system.
  Key  Words:Insurance funds, Investment channels,China Life Insurance Company,Suggestions               
目  录
一、绪论    - 1 -
(一)研究背景    - 1 -
(二)国内外研究现状    - 2 -
二、保险资金运用概述    - 4 -
(一)保险资金运用渠道相关概念    - 4 -
(二)我国保险资金运用渠道的发展阶段    - 5 -
(三)政府监管下的保险资金运用渠道分析    - 6 -
(四)我国保险资金运用情况及国际比较分析    - 8 -
三、我国保险公司资金运用渠道分析——以中国人寿保险公司为例    - 12 -
(一)中国人寿当前运营状况      - 12 -
(二)中国人寿保险资金来源    - 13 -
(三)中国人寿保险公司资金运用渠道、结构及收益情况分析    - 13 - 我国保险资金运用渠道分析:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_36250.html