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时间:2020-05-19 20:54来源:毕业论文





Researching on Earnings Management of Listed Commercial Banks in China

ABSTRACT: In recent years, the earnings management problem from a start become the financial industry one of the key areas of theory and practice research. But the study of nonfinancial listed companies at home and abroad is more, for financial enterprises, especially for commercial Banks to the research of this special profession rarely. Commercial Banks as the pillar of the national economic strength, the emergence of the phenomenon of earnings management of commercial Banks of the accounting information quality and the regulation of the commercial Banks has brought challenges.

This article is mainly to the research of the earnings management of listed commercial Banks, at present our country A total of 16 ashare listed commercial Banks. The pace of China's commercial Banks listed in constant speed up, and successive reform, improve ability to compete in the same industry, financing ability, visibility and influence. After the listed Banks in guarantee under the premise of safety, liquidity, and ensure that its profitability and growth ability. Businesses once the listing is successful, it will face foreign disclosure requirements are improved. For private interests prompt information users through the disclosure of information to make better decisions for enterprises, inevitably to use earnings management.

This paper studies the main contents are: first, using the histogram method, through to the listed commercial Banks in China surplus quality assessment research and analysis, to understand the situation of the earnings quality of listed commercial Banks in China. On the basis of the motivation of surplus management of listed commercial Banks in China are analyzed. Second of all, the earnings management means of listed commercial Banks in China are studied. This paper means of earnings management mainly pided into: first, adjust the controllable accrued items, including loan loss preparation is one of the most important means of earnings management of Chinese commercial Banks; Second, using the method of accounting control the disclosure of the financial statements; Third, trade point selection. Third, the motives of earnings management, listed commercial Banks may be due to avoid the negative surplus by earnings management to reduce or avoid surplus motivation, financing motivation, finally come to the conclusion and puts forward related Suggestions. Surplus management play its positive role, avoid its negative influence. 我国上市商业银行盈余管理问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_52127.html
