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因子分 析法我国上市商业银行竞争力研究

时间:2020-07-14 21:15来源:毕业论文



In recent years, with the continuous development of the socialist market economy, opening of the China’s banking industry, entering with foreign banks, and rapid growing of city commercial banks. Banking industry competition is increasingly fierce. The listed commercial banks as a major part of China's banking industry, the development of its comprehensive competitiveness decide the development of our country banking industry comprehensive ability, to set up the banner for our country's unlisted commercial banks. On the competitiveness of China's listed commercial banks an objective, comprehensive analysis and evaluation, can promote the healthy development of China's banking,is extremely important for the development of China's financial industry.

This paper reviews the existing research competitiveness of commercial banks as a basis, selecting 16 listed commercial banks as the research sample. The paper analyzes the competitiveness of listed commercial Banks From the scale strength, profitability and risk control ability, innovation ability, etc. The article determines the Banks' comprehensive competitiveness rankings. Finally, the paper results are summarized, propose advice for our country commercial bank's development.


Keyword: Listed commercial banks;Competitiveness;Factor analysis 


1. 绪论 6

1.1本文的选题背景及研究意义 6

1.2中外文献综述 6

1.3研究方法及内容 7

2.我国上市商业银行竞争力评价指标体系的建立 8

2.1商业银行竞争力评价指标体系选择原则 8

2.2我国上市商业银行竞争力评价指标选择 8

2.2.1现实竞争力指标 9

2.2.2潜在竞争力指标 11

3.我国上市商业银行竞争力的实证分析 13

3.1因子分析法的介绍 13

3.1.1因子分析法的基本概念及其适用性 13

3.1.2因子分析法的模型介绍 13

3.1.3因子分析的基本步骤 14

3.2 研究对象的确定及数据来源 15

3.2.1研究对象确定 15

3.2.2数据来源 15

3.3我国上市商业银行竞争力实证分析 因子分 析法我国上市商业银行竞争力研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_56247.html
