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时间:2020-07-19 21:29来源:毕业论文




Abstract In the 1980s,our country restore and rebuild the system of the CPA.Until now,it has been developed more than thirty years.And then, the "Republic of China People CPA Law" was formally implemented in1994.The publication of this law also represent that the industry of CPA is becoming legally gradually.At the same time,some international accounting firms can not wait to enter the Chinese market.There is a fierce competition between local and international accounting firms.

In this paper,the author starts with the current development of local accounting firms,we analyze the entire CPA practicing environment and internal environment in order to find the capacity problems of the local accounting firms and how to remedy.Besides,the author put forward that a local accounting firm how to " make bigger and stronger" ,In forth part,the author describe the future prospects for the development of local accounting firms.Finally,it’s a conclusion of the whole article.

Key Word: Local Accounting Firms;Development Prospect ; Development Strategy


一、绪论 1

二、本土会计师事务所发展现状分析 2

(一)本土注册会计师行业的整体执业环境 2

1、市场经济体制不完善 2

2、国内同行业间恶性竞争 2

3、会计人员素质较低 2

4、法律、法规不完善 3

(二)本土会计师事务所的内部环境 3

(三)本土会计师事务所自身存在的问题 3

1、内部治理结构和规模上 3

2、在执业质量和风险方面 4

3、在人才方面 5

4、文化建设方面 5

三、本土会计师事务所发展策略 7

 (一)  走联合与兼并之路,实现规模经营 7

(二)拓展业务范围 7

(三)树立风险意识,提高执业质量  7

(四)重视专业人才的引进与培养 7

(五)完善事务所内部治理机制 8

四、本土会计师事务所的发展前景 8

五、结论 9

致谢 11

参考文献 我国本土会计师事务所的发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_56647.html
