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时间:2020-10-07 10:02来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字:营改增 房地产 税制改革

Influence and measures for real estate enterprise to answer the reform program to replace the business tax with a value-added tax

Abstract: The reform program to replace the business tax with a value-added tax gets a lot of public attention among the tax reform taken in recent years. Replacing the business tax with the value-added tax can not only helping the government do tax planning better and making the tax system more reasonable, more concise and more efficient, but bringing a profit to real estate as well. This reform will solve the knotty problem of long-standing about double-taxation. Enterprises will reduce tax burden by collecting and deduction layer upon layer, although it seems more complex than before. A wide range of enterprises have been involved in, including transportation industry, a part of modern service industry, post industry and telecommunication industry. After these industries mentioned above, the real estate industry will also participate in the reform. The whole industry, which has a large-scale influence and refer to many other industries, will under an enormous stress. What will the enterprises get from the reform and what should they do to reply will be a key point to discuss in this paper.

Key words: replace the business tax with a value-added tax; the real estate industry; tax reform 

目  录

绪论 1

(一) 研究背景及意义 1

(二) 国内外研究现状及分析 1

1、国外研究现状 1

2、 国内研究现状 1

(三) 研究内容及方法 1

一、我国税制改革历程及展望与“营改增”政策的提出 2

(一) 我国税制改革历程 2

1、 有计划的商品经济时期的税制改革(1978-1993年) 2

2、 社会主义市场经济初期的税制改革:1994年工商税制改革 2

3、 社会主义市场经济完善期的税制改革:2001年以来税制完善 2

(二) 新一轮税制改革展望 2

(三) “营改增”政策的提出与计划 2

二、“营改增”实施现状 4

(一) 已纳入试点的其他行业的初步影响 4

1、交通运输业 4

2、部分现代服务业 4

3、邮政业 4

4、电信业 营改增政策对房地产开发企业的影响及其对策:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_62420.html
