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时间:2020-10-15 20:25来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 理论依据,中小企业, 融资担保, 信用教育         

Abstract:Research of Middle and small-sized enterprises’ financing guarantee system is based on the value identification theory,the risk shifting theory,the risk pooling theory.As a special third party, the Financing guarantee benefits the construction of enterprises’credit system,the share of resources and the credit education of enterprises,which,however, is weak in enhancing the inner mechanism of  the credit guarantee and the credit awareness. Taking Jiangsu Chen Shi textile limited company as an example, the article is going to set forth what roles does credit guarantee play in the development of Chen’s company together with existing shortages. Through the study of Chen’s company, we can gain some experience in the credit guarantee building for other enterprises in the future.

Keywords:theoretical basis,small and medium-sized enterprise, financing guarantee, credit education

1 引言 5

2 中小企业融资担保相关理论简介 5

2.1 中小企业融资担保的概念 5

2.2 融资担保渠道 6

2.3 中小企业融资担保特点 6

2.4 建立中小企业融资担保的必要性 6

2.5中小企业融资担保的现状 6

3 江苏陈氏伟业纺织科技有限公司简介 7

4 融资担保对于陈氏伟业的意义 7

4.1 有利于支持和推动了企业的成长 7

4.2有利于创造良好的企业信用 8

4.3有利于企业财务信息的完善 8

5 陈氏伟业融资担保存在的问题 8

5.1 信用观念淡薄和诚信意识差 8

5.2 融资担保体系不健全 9

5.3 融资担保资金来源单一 9

5.4 融资担保中介服务市场化程度偏低 9

5.5 融资担保的法制法规体系建设不完善 10

6 解决陈氏伟业融资担保问题的对策 10

6.1 增强陈氏伟业自身信用意识 10

6.2 建立有效的风险补偿和分散机制完善管理体系 11

6.3 拓宽资金来源实现投资渠道多元化 11

6.4 建立为企业服务的金融体系 12

6.5 加强制度建设和完善法制环境 12

结 论 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 16 纺织中小企业融资担保问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_62920.html
