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时间:2022-02-09 22:04来源:毕业论文



Study on the Financial Impact of Business Tax To VAT in the Transportation Industry

Abstract Business Tax to VAT is the upmost priority of the reform of tax system in recent years, while Business Tax to VAT induced a profound impact to the financial management, financial indicators, tax burden and other aspects of the transportation industry after its implementation。 Thus, the research on the Business Tax to VAT of the transportation industry is very necessary。 From the relevant theory of the Business Tax to VAT, this paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility to carry out the Business Tax to VAT in transportation industry, and combing the relevant enterprises, expounds the impact that this reform brings to the financial aspect of the transportation industry, and finds the problems that occurred in the process of formulating and practicing the policy of Business Tax to VAT, such as the high tax rates, less deductible items, the tax burden is not reduced but increased and others, and puts forward the specific countermeasures from the aspects of the government and the enterprise。

Keywords: Business Tax to VAT, transportation industry, financial management, financial indicators

目  录

0 引言 1

1 交通运输业营改增的必要性和可行性分析 1

1。1 相关概念阐述 1

1。1。1 交通运输业的含义 1

1。1。2 营改增的概念与历史进程 1

1。2 交通运输业营改增的必要性分析 2

1。2。1 适应了市场经济发展的要求 2

1。2。2 是实现税负公平的有效途径 2

1。2。3 是我国税制与国际接轨的必然趋势 3

1。3 交通运输业营改增的可行性分析 3

1。3。1 营改增改革各试点省市初显成效 3

1。3。2 交通运输业自身的发展创造了有利的宏观环境 3

1。3。3 现行税制提供了坚实的基础 3

2 营改增对交通运输业财务管理的影响 4

2。1 对交通运输企业投资活动的影响 4

2。2 对企业营运活动影响 4

2。3 对企业纳税筹划的影响 5

3 营改增对交通运输业利润表中财务指标的影响 5

3。1 理论分析 5

3。2 会计处理的比较 6

4 营改增对交通运输企业税负的影响(以一般纳税人为例) 7

4。1 理论分析 7

4。2 案例分析 营改增对交通运输业的财务影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_89469.html
