时间:2023-03-29 22:32 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要P2P网络借贷是一种新型的金融模式,是传统金融业与新兴的互联网相结合的产物。自2007年P2P网络借贷进入国内以来,其经历了野蛮生长,背离了起初的信息中介地位,产生了“异化”,严重扰乱经济秩序,损害投资人权益,刑法介入有其必要性。但是由于法律的滞后性、司法观念陈旧等因素,目前刑法对P2P网络借贷的规制还存在一定缺陷,如过分强调刑事手段,打击面过大,扼杀互联网创新等。笔者针对目前规制的缺陷,从行政与刑事方面提出立法建议。并且,通过对“校园贷”事件的反思,重申刑事手段与行政手段的规制在整个P2P网络借贷流程中各有侧重,并且行政监管更应作为基础手段,贯穿整个流程;刑事手段作为辅助手段,对具有严重社会危害性的行为进行事后处罚。88094 毕业论文关键词:P2P网络借贷; 刑事规制;行政监管 Abstract P2P On-Line Lending is a new kind of financial patterns, which combines traditional finance with Internet。 Since 2007 when it was transported into country, it has experienced barbaric growth and has departed from its initial position。 It has seriously disrupted the economic order, impairing the rights and interests of investors so it’s necessary to use Criminal Law。 However, due to the legal hysteresis quality and previous judicial concept and other factors, the regulation on Criminal Law of P2P On-Line Lending still has some defects, such as putting too much emphasis on the Criminal Law and discourage of creation。 Aiming at the defects of regulation at present, the author puts forward some legislative suggestions on Administrative and Criminal aspects。 Through the reflection of "Campus Loan", the author reiterated the Criminal regulation and Administrative means have its own focus, and the Administrative supervision should be the basic means in the whole process and Criminal means is auxiliary, which should be applied afterwards。 源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 Keywords: P2P On-Line Lending;Supervision of Criminal Law ; Administration Supervision;
目 录 一 、网络借贷概述 1 (一) 校园贷事件 1 (二) P2P网络借贷的概念 1 (三) 网络借贷平台模式 1 1 。是否存在线下征信机制 2 2 。是否存在担保 2 3 。是否介入双方的债权债务关系 2 (四) 我国P2P网络借贷的特点 2 1 。监管相对较弱 2 2 。入行门槛低,风险极高 2 3 。身份信用审查不完善 3 二 、P2P网络借贷违法行为与规制必要性分析 3 (一) 平台违法行为种类与所涉罪名 3 1 。开展自融业务 3 2 。形成资金池 4 3 。庞氏骗局 4 4 。平台自担保行为 4 (二) 刑法规制必要性分析 4 三 、目前我国对P2P网络借贷刑事规制的缺陷 5 (一) 刑法规制作用被夸大 From~优E尔L论E文W网wWw.YoUeRw.com 加QQ7520.18766 (二) 严格适用我国目前刑法规定可能造成打击面过宽 (责任编辑:qin) |