时间:2018-05-20 13:27 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:股份有限公司,是指将公司的全部股本分为等额股份,股东以其所认购的股份对公司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司债务承担责任的企业法人。股份有限公司将其全部的资本划分为等额股份,向社会公开募集资金,这有利于公司向外融资,同时也方便了股东对股权的行使,有利于公司的高效管理和运作。在现实生活中,股份的高度集中在带来高效的运作的同时也侵害了诸多中小股东的合法权益。本文试从中小股东权益保护的基础,中小股东权益受侵害的现状,我国《公司法》对中小股东权益保护的规定和制度入手,探寻中小股东收损害的原因,从中找出我国法律对中小股东权益保护的不足和解决方式。23047 毕业论文关键词 :股份有限公司 ; 中小股东; 权益保护 The theory of co., LTD., the protection of the rights and interests of small and medium shareholders Abstract: Company limited by shares is refers to the company's total equity is pided into equal shares, shareholders to the subscribing for shares shall undertake liability for the company, the company with all its assets to the company bear the liability for the debts of the enterprise as a legal person. Company limited by shares its total capital is pided into equal shares, to raise funds from the public, this is good for the company to outside financing, but also makes it easier for shareholders to exercise of the stake, is conducive to the efficient management and operation of the company. In real life, shares of highly concentrated in bring efficient operation but also violate the legitimate rights and interests of the many small and medium-sized shareholders. This article tries from the basis of the protection of the rights and interests of minority shareholders, minority shareholders rights and interests of the present situation of the infringement, the company law in China on the protection of the rights and interests of minority shareholders of the regulation and system, this paper explores the cause of the small and medium-sized shareholders receive damage, find our country law on the protection of the rights and interests of minority shareholders and the deficiency of the solution. Keywords: Company limited by shares ; Small and medium-sized shareholders ; Rights and interests protection 一、 对股份有限公司中小股东权益保护的原因和基础 (一)对股份有限公司中小股东权益保护的原因 1.股份有限公司中小股东处于弱势,无法实际参与公司管理 在股份有限公司中,股东并不直接参与公司的经营管理,公司实际经营者大多接受公司大股东、实际控制者的意志并进行公司经营。数量众多的中小股东在公司运营中的实际作用力有限,没有现实的公司控制权。中小股东的先天弱小使得大股东通过转移将损失转嫁给中小股东。中小股东虽然深受其害却由于自身无力文权,法律意识淡薄的原因承受公司经营不当的后果。 2.公司大股东所拥有的优势地位 公司的大股东和实际控制者依靠资本多数决这一制度在公司事务上占有优势。这一情况在上市公司中尤为明显。大股东依靠这一制度从上市公司中获取不正当的利益。 3.相关法律法规不完善 在现有的法律规定中没有出席股东大会的股东表决权占公司已发行股份总数的最低法定比例,这在实践中易导致在股权绝对集中的情况下,股东大会蜕变为大股东会的弊端;或导致在参会股东所持股份数比例较少情况下也能通过决议的情况。同时,由于广大中小股东地域分散,抵抗风险能力较差,法律意识淡薄,文权意识不强,且诉讼漫长,这些都是股份有限公司中小股东权益受损的原因。 (责任编辑:qin) |