时间:2018-07-19 22:01 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要我国是一个法治国家,依法治国已经成为我国基本治国方略。实现依法治国首先要实现依宪治国,将国家权力的运行利用宪法来进行保障、控制以及规范。同时在各类的国家机关之间让国家的权力可以得到合理有效的配置,使其能够处理公共事务的有利点可以得到发挥。从而对公民的基本权利加以保障。为了保障宪法的权威和顺利实施,宪法的实施必须借助违宪审查制度。通过学习可以知道,自宪法被制定出来以后,无时无刻都会被学者关心。当然学者们最感兴趣的也就部分一定会包括对于违宪审查制度的研究工作。学者们对此进行的理论与实践对中国违宪审查制度的发展起了较大的作用。学者们在关于如何建立一套不仅适合我国实际情况并且又能够高效健全化的制度都有着不同的建议与意见。本文主要从我国违宪审查制度的概述、历史沿革、违宪审查制度的主要内容、我国违宪审查制度存在的问题以及完善我国违宪审查制度的构想等五个方面进行研究。重点放在最后两个点上,通过我国违宪审查制度存在的问题提出其能够解决这些问题的适合我国的违宪审查制度,即建立违审查委员会。本文的创新在于通过问题提出适当的对策,构建适合我国的违宪审查所相关的健全体系。25903 关键词 宪法监督 违宪审查 违宪审查制度 完善 违宪审查模式 毕业论文外文摘要 Title The unconstitutional censorship research of China Abstract China is a country under the rule of law, the rule of law has become the basic strategy of governing the country in China. Realization of the rule of law must first achieve According to the Constitution, the Constitution to control, protect and regulate the operation of state power, so that state power can be properly disposed between the horizontal and vertical organs of state, to take advantage of public affairs, safeguard fundamental rights of citizens. With the implementation of the Constitution must be unconstitutional censorship, but as an important part of the constitutional review of constitutional supervision, in order to safeguard the authority and the smooth implementation of the Constitution. Since the implementation of the Constitution, jurisprudence scholars are concerned about the oversight of the Constitution. The development of China’s unconstitutional censorship played a larger role.On how to build and improve a system that is in line with the realities of China's demand and highly rationalized, and scholars have different views. This paper outlines the history, unconstitutional censorship of unconstitutional censorship, and the main contents of unconstitutional censorship, unconstitutional censorship mode China should build and how to build or improve our system of constitutional review in five areas studied.Emphasis on the last two points, through the problems existing in the system of judicial review in China put forward to solve these problems for unconstitutional censorship in china, namely to establish breach the review committee, The innovation of this article is to through the problem put forward appropriate countermeasures, and explains its rationality. Keywords Constitutional Supervision Constitutional review Unconstitutional censorship improvement Unconstitutional Reviewing Models 目 次 1引言 1 2违宪审查制度概念界定 2 2.1违宪的含义 2 2.2违宪审查的含义 2 2.3违宪审查制度的含义3 3 我国违宪审查制度的历史沿革 5 3.1 新中国成立前的违宪审查制度阶段 5 3.1.1近代宪法萌芽时期 5 (责任编辑:qin) |