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Abstract:One of the reasons for the demise of the Ming Dynasty was the problem of the escape of sergeant in late Ming Dynasty。 The late Ming official of Liaodong- Xiong Tingbi ,record an event about 《All Recruits Run Away》 for discusses the problem of Liaodong sergeant escape in late Ming Dynasty。 On the basis of this, the author discusses the countermeasures of late Ming Dynasty officials on the issue of fleeing troops in the late Ming Dynasty 。The late Ming Dynasty soldiers escaped after the bandits for the pirates, disrupting social order, it is a peasant uprising in the late Ming and the hungry, caused by a heavy blow to the Ming Dynasty。In addition, the weak military forces, coupled with some soldiers fled into the party, resulting in the late Ming dynasty’s military defeat。And Chongzhen years of a large fugitive incident directly to Jin to provide firearms and production methods, which is already vulnerable to the late Ming Dynasty’s army is a heavy blow, and ultimately led to the demise of the Ming Dynasty。

Keywords:Late Ming dynasty ,Liaodong,Deserters


前言 2

一、 熊廷弼及其《新兵全伍脱逃疏》 4

   (一) 熊廷弼其人 4

   (二) 解读《新兵全伍脱逃疏》 4

二、 晚明逃军问题 8

(一) 晚明逃军概况 8

(二) 晚明逃军原因 9

三、 晚明应对逃军举措 11

(一) 熊廷弼应对逃军之举措 11

(二) 政府应对逃军之举措 12

(三) 贤士应对逃军之举措 13

(四) 应对逃军举措之比较 13

四、 晚明逃军的影响 14

(一) 逃军对社会秩序的影响 14

(二) 逃军对明代政权的影响 15

结语 18

参考文献 19


军事一直受到历朝统治者的重视, 明朝自然也不例外。在抵御外敌入侵、维护国家统一、保持政局稳定等方面,它都起着举足轻重的作用。然而到了明代末期,军事力量却相当薄弱,在清军的攻打下,城池连连失守。按理说,在武备、人数上明朝都处于有利的一方,但事实并非如此。究其原因,晚明逃军是其主要原因之一。

晚明各卫所军士逃亡问题相当严重,尤以辽东军士逃亡问题最为复杂,导致的后果亦最为严重。辽东是明王朝在东北地区发展势力的基地又是捍卫京师北京的屏障,可谓是边陲重地,是为九边重镇之首。到了万历年间,辽东衙所军民无食,出现大量逃亡。辽东的军士逃亡问题间接导致了自万历以后辽东所辖各镇逐个沦陷,辽东屏障作用的消失使得清军一路挥师南下,直取京师。可以说,晚明辽东逃军不仅关系到明朝在东北地区统治力量的消长,更关系到整个明王朝的安危。 (责任编辑:qin)