

毕业论文 > 新闻传播论文 >


摘  要:近年来,随着我国市场经济不断发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,人们对影视剧的追求显示出多样化的特性,方言影视剧应运而生,并在短时间内引起了社会各界的广泛关注,对此表示支持的人很多,也有不少人持质疑态度。本论文通过文献研究和案例分析相结合的方法,首先对方言影视剧的发展脉络进行了梳理,接着着重分析了方言影视剧热播的原因,在肯定方言影视剧所独有的文化价值的同时,指出其热播所引发的各种问题,并提出了具有针对性的解决策略,以期方言影视剧能在今后的发展道路上稳步前进。5222

Analysis on the Hit Phenomenon of Dialect Films and TV Plays
Abstract: In the past few years, as the development of the economy of our country, people’s life has become better and better, and their pursuit of films and TV plays has become various. Thus dialect films and TV plays came out and immediately caused widespread concern in our society. Many people are in favor of it while many other people are skeptical about it. In this dissertation, documentation method and case analysis method are adopted to hackle the process of the development of dialect films and TV plays first and then focus on the analysis of the reasons why they have become a hit.The particular cultural value of dialect films and TV plays is affirmed in this dissertation. At the same time, various kinds of problems caused by this phenomenon are clearly stated and corresponding solutions are proposed for better development of dialect films and TV plays in future.
Key words: Dialect films and TV plays; Hit phenomenon; feelings marketplace; Demand.
 目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、方言影视剧概述    2
(一)方言影视剧的概念    2
(二)方言影视剧发展现状    2
二、方言影视剧热播的原因    3
(一)方言影视剧体现了多元文化    3
(二)方言影视剧贴合了平民市井情怀    4
(三)方言影视剧满足了市场需求    4
三、方言影视剧的热播所带来的负面影响    5
(一)不利于语言规范与文化交流    5
(二)限制了受众面    5
(三)导致方言影视剧水准下降    6
四、方言影视剧的发展策略    7
(一)遵从适当平衡性原则    7
(二)扩大受众面,增加影响力    7
(三)加强市场规范    8
参考文献    10
“方言俗称地方话,只通行于一定的地域,它不是独立于民族语之外的另一种语言,而只是局部地区使用的语言。” 方言影视剧,就是以中国各地方言演绎的影视作品,它的创作基于本土文化,蕴涵当地文化习俗,以本地广大观众的实际需求为出发点,其风格生动活泼、娱乐搞笑,能让观众轻轻松松获得愉悦,更能吸引观众的眼球。曾几何时,方言以前所未有的姿态频繁出现于中国影视剧创作之中,构成中国影视剧独特的“方言现象”。它以贴切的生活用语诠释广大平民市井喜闻乐见的身边故事,因其生动性、地域性等特征深受广大观众的喜爱。 (责任编辑:qin)