

毕业论文 > 新闻传播论文 >


On the Adverse Impact of Advertising on Media
Abstract: In the fierce market competition forces the media, driven by economic interests, relaxed standards for advertising audit, resulting in a large number of illegal, untrue, unethical bad advertising broadcast. These bad advertisement broadcast damaged the image of the party and government, weakening of media "mouthpiece" function; while undermining the quality of the media itself, reducing the audience recognition . In this paper, adverse negative impact of advertising on the media on the basis of in-depth analysis of proposed media deal with bad advertising of specific measures: strengthening awareness of social responsibility, give full play to the role of gatekeeper to explore persified revenue models, and strengthen government regulation. I hope these measures will reduce the harm bad advertising media, to enhance the image of the media in the audience, reshaping media credibility, and ultimately achieve long-term healthy development of the media industry.
Keywords: bad advertising; media; persify income generation
摘   要    1
Abstract    1
一、不良广告的概说    2
(一)不良广告的界定    2
(二)不良广告的分类    3
二、我国媒体的属性分析    4
(一)我国媒体的本质是公共媒体    4
(二)服务公众是媒体的本分    5
(三)社会效益始终处在第一位    5
三、不良广告对媒体的影响    6
(一)破坏和政府的形象,减弱媒体的“喉舌”功能    6
(二)侵犯受众利益,违背“服务公众”的宗旨    7
(三)损害媒体自身品质,降低受众认可度    7
(四)违背媒体职业道德,腐蚀传媒人员的道德品质    8
四、媒体如何应对不良广告    9
(一)强化社会责任意识    9
(二)充分发挥把关人的作用    9
(三)探索多元化创收模式    10
(四)加强政府监管    10
参考文献    12
当今社会经济发展迅猛,传媒业也以其迅猛的速度发展壮大。广告在社会中的作用也是越来越重要,逐渐影响着人们生活的方方面面。激烈市场竞争迫使媒体在经济利益的驱动下,有些违背了其本身所应该具有的社会公共责任,放松了对于广告审查核对的标准,致使大量不良广告通过荧幕或各种渠道传递给受众。这些不良广告通过媒体播放出去,不仅使广大人民群众的利益受损,也严重扰乱了正常的社会秩序,对媒体自身也产生了不好的影响。新媒体的冲击,更是使这种现象日益严重。本文将在前人研究的基础上对这一问题进行深入剖析,探索媒体应对不良广告的有效措施,以期减少不良广告对媒体的损害,进而提升媒体的公信力,促进媒体的健康发展。 (责任编辑:qin)