Micro-film and It Prospects
Abstract: Micro-films has leaded an update of the current atmosphere in movie domain and becomes very popular as a result of its three main features: shorter playing time, shorter period of produce and less cost compared with the traditional movies. This paper discusses the micro-films based on literature review and cases study. The description starts with the background story in three aspects: multi-site competition, the requirement of limited spare time from customers, intervention of the advertisers. Then the existing advantages and disadvantages of the micro-films is analyzed accordingly. The discussion shows that the advantages of the micro-films like freedom creative environment and lower cost to make are beneficial to its development. Furthermore, it also proposes a serious of development strategies for micro-films related to its contents quality, the intervention of the advertisers and limitation of the micro films, to help micro-films developing in a right way continuously for the future.
Keywords: micro-films; audience; production costs
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、微电影的概念 2
二、微电影产生的背景 2
(一)多网站平台竞争的推动 2
(二)受众碎片化时间的需求 3
(三)广告营销商介入的推动 3
三、微电影的现状分析 4
(一)微电影发展的优势 4
(二)微电影现存的缺陷 5
四、微电影的发展策略 6
(一)注重内容的文化品质 6
(二)把握广告介入的适度原则 7
(三)加强把关力度 7
参考文献 9
“微电影(Micro film),即微型电影,又称微影。微电影是指专门运用在各种新媒体平台上播放的、适合在移动状态和短时休闲状态下观看的、具有完整策划和系统制作体系支持的具有完整故事情节的‘微(超短)时’(30秒—300秒)放映、‘微(超短)周期制作(1—7天或数周)’和‘微(超小)规模投资(几千—数千/万元每部)’的视频(‘类’电影)短片,内容融合了幽默搞怪、时尚潮流、公益教育、商业定制等主题,可以单独成篇,也可系列成剧。” 微电影的现状与发展研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_3487.html