时间:2020-09-01 21:22 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:近年来,歌唱类选秀节目在我国迅速发展,超高的收视率与巨大的广告效益使其成为一道令人瞩目的娱乐性电视文化奇观。第一个出现的比较成熟的歌唱选秀节目应该是在湖南卫视播出的《超级女声》,该节目在2005年掀起一股浪潮;2012年在浙江卫视播出的《中国好声音》让此浪潮在短暂的降温后更加的狂热;随之各大电视台都对此类节目进行模仿。最近在湖南卫视播放的《我是歌手》、央视《梦想星搭档》节目也已经让歌唱类选秀节目达到了这股浪潮的巅峰,这表明不仅是普通人对此类节目比较关注,连歌唱明星甚至是演艺界的明星都对其极为关注。可想而知歌唱类选秀节目能够在全国遍地开播,办得如火如荼,必定有其合理性。 选秀节目在发展过程中,注重的是节目娱乐性与大众化,本文将会从这两点开始入手,分析选秀节目的火热点。当然,不可否认的歌唱类选秀节目也出现了种种弊端,例如太过于追求商业化与利益化,并将从中提出相应的几点思考。55391 毕业论文关键词:歌唱选秀 娱乐性 大众化 商业化 Abstract:In recent years, the development of reality TV singing contests rapidly in our country, the super high ratings andhuge advertising benefit make it become the entertainmenttelevision culture spectacle of a attract people's attention.The first occurrence of the mature singing talent show isbroadcast on Hunan TV's "super singing girl", the show off a wave in 2005; 2012 broadcast on Zhejiang TV's "good sound" let the Chinese wave in short cooling after moreenthusiasm; then each big television on such programsimitation. Recently played in Hunan satellite TV's "I'msinger", "Dream Star Partner" CCTV programs have singingtalent show at the wave peak, which suggests that not onlyis the ordinary people pay much more attention to such programs, even the singing star and the stars of the entertainment world for its great concern. One can imaginereality TV singing contests in the country started to runeverywhere, like a raging fire, will have its rationality. Talent show in the development process, attention is paid to the program of entertainment and popularization, this paper will start from the two points,the shows the hot point. Of course, the undeniable reality TV singing contests, there have been all kinds of disadvantages, such as too much in the pursuit of commercial and benefit, andputs forward some thoughts from which corresponding. Key Words: Singing talent,Entertainment ,Popular, Commercial 目 录 1 引言.....2 2海选与评判..2 3个性与创新….….3 4 选秀类节目的社会价值与意义.5 5 几点思考….6 5.1平民化不等于低俗化…..….....6 5.2公开不等于公正…...6 5.3娱乐性的商业化…...6 结论.8 参考文献.9 致谢10 1引言 从2005湖南电视歌唱选秀节目《超级女声》走红后,一时间之内大多媒体给予关心和重视这个电视文化现象。例如2012年浙江卫视播出的《中国好声音》,这个歌唱类选秀节目使浙江卫视在收视率和综合品牌影响力都得到了前所未有的提升,其他各大电台也都对此类歌唱选秀节目进行模仿。 随之2013年的夏季是一个热闹的音乐盛宴。主要的歌唱类电视摩拳擦掌,选秀节目济济一堂。全国综艺节目进入了燎原之势,歌唱类选秀节目达到最白热化的阶段。湖南卫视《快乐男声》《我是歌手》、浙江卫视《中国好声音2》《中国达人秀》、江苏卫视《全能星战》、央视《我的中国星》《中国好歌曲》《出彩中国》东方卫视《中国梦之声》北京卫视《最美和声》都开始陆续登场,音乐选秀节目带给人们一场场豪华音乐盛宴。歌唱类选秀节目为何如此受到广大观众喜爱?选秀节目在发展中又存在着哪些弊端?本文将这两个问题进行分析与思考。 (责任编辑:qin) |