时间:2021-11-07 21:19 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘 要:暨2014年大运河申遗之际,由江苏省宣传委组织,江苏演艺集团承办的原创歌剧《运之河》应运而生。该剧作曲是著名作曲家、中央音乐学院教授唐建平,剧本由著名编剧冯柏铭、冯必烈父子撰写,著名导演、国家一级编导邢时苗执导该剧,戴玉强、殷秀梅作为A组主演。该剧以隋炀帝萧后为主要角色,剧情则是围绕着大运河展开,以大运河的开凿、通航和隋唐两朝的更迭为主题,以“水能载舟亦能覆舟”为主线,客观地描述了隋炀帝开凿大运河的是非功过。虽此剧自公演至今时间不长,但已有大批音乐家、音乐爱好者对其做出各种分析和评论,却未有人对合唱进行深入的分析。由于剧中合唱部分很多,而且合唱队扮演的角色变化大,本文写作的主要目的是研究剧中合唱与其他演唱形式交织所产生的作用及合唱的戏剧性作用等方面。73994 毕业论文关键词:合唱,歌剧,运之河,戏剧性 Abstract: <The Destiny of The river>, an original opera , was created when the Grand Canal was applying for World Cultural Hertitage。 It was organized by Committee on Publicity of Jiangsu and presented by Jiangsu Performing Group。 The opera was composed by Tang Jianping, a famous composer and professor of Central Conservatory of Music。 The script was written by famous writers Fen Boming and Fen Bilie。 The opera was directed by Xin Shimiao, National First-Grade Scenarist 。 The main actor and actress were Dai Yuqiang and Yin Xiumei。 The main roles of this opera were Emperor Yang of Sui and his Empress Xiao。 The story was about the Grand Canal。 The theme was concentrated on the excavation, navigation of the Grand Canal and the rise and fall of dynasties。 With “The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up”as mainline, it objectively evaluated the merits and demerits of Emperor Yang of Sui’s excavation of the Grand Canal。Although the opera was performed in public for not long time, many musicians and music lovers had made comments on it。 However, the profound analysis on chorus was still absent。 Because there are a lot of chorus in the opera and the roles acted by chorus change enormously, the paper aims at analyzing the functions of chorus and other singing forms’ mix and the dramatic function of chorus,etc。 Key words: chorus, opera, The Destiny of The river,dramatic 目 录 1 前言3 2 剧中合唱与其他演唱形式的关系3 2。1 衬托关系3 2。2 主从关系4 2。3 对比关系4 3 合唱在《运之河》中的戏剧性作用5 3。1 渲染戏剧气氛和描绘场景的作用5 3。2 介入戏剧冲突的作用7 3。3 抒发人物情感的作用9 3。4 揭示歌剧主题的作用9 结论10 参考文献11 致谢12 1 前言 合唱是歌剧不可缺少的一部分,合唱的历史可追溯到公元前9世纪的希腊,直至公元前6世纪希腊悲剧的发展使合唱被带入到希腊悲剧的表演。现代意义上的合唱则是从格里高利圣咏一步步发展而来,而歌剧中对于合唱的使用是因为16世纪末,音乐家巴尔第(Bardi)与柯尔西(Corsi)在家庭聚会时,提出了要复原古希腊的戏剧的想法,他们觉得在人声和声伴奏的情况下加上单声部旋律非常生动,而且这种形式可以运用到整部剧中,之后经过一系列的创作,产生了歌剧的雏形,当时称之为田园剧。而中国的第一部原创正歌剧《秋子》,于¬1942年开演于当时的国民政府--重庆的国泰大戏院。至今,中国的原创歌剧已有74年历史,而江苏省已经十几年没有一部原创歌剧的诞生了。借此次大运河申遗的机会,江苏省向世人展示江苏的文化,回顾历史,以史为镜,客观理性地分析杨广的功过是非。剧中合唱队的出场率之高、出场人数之多是不多见的。这部拥有近300名演员的歌剧,是一部气势恢宏,又不失细腻婉约,刚柔并济,无论是主角还是合唱的唱段,都有血有肉,棱角分明。论文网 (责任编辑:qin) |