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时间:2024-07-21 11:11来源:95936







Abstract:With the development of society and the increasing population, people's demand for food is increasing, of course, the scale of grain cultivation is constantly changing, so you need to use the combine harvester to harvest crops.However, due to the current level of automation and intelligence is low, so greatly increased the amount of people's labor and the loss of crops.In order to improve the automation of the harvester intelligence level, so the harvester information integration system design is particularly important.

The system consists of data acquisition module, communication module, control module, and display module composed of four parts.The hardware is mainly composed of switches, touch screens, and PLC and stepper motor drives.Finishing(1) For the touch screen interface design, so that the display interface, login interface and function selection interface can be a good run.(2) The collection of the working state of the harvester, and can be displayed on the touch screen.(3) Through the touch screen issued instructions and then through the PLC to control the harvester, and then change the working speed of the harvester with the working state.The specific implementation of the program  is as follows:

(1) Access to information, to understand the harvester information integration system design technical requirements and research status.

(2) The design of the touch screen of the human-computer interaction interface, the design of the sensor signal conditioning circuit, for the main acquisition module and control module were selected.

(3) The design of the touch screen interface and edit the interface of the driver, the preparation of the PLC control procedures.

Keywords:PLC; Touch screen; Harvester; Control and Display.


第一章绪论 5

1.1研究的目的和意义 5

1.2国内外研究现状 5

1.2.1国内研究现状 5

1.2.2国外发展现状 6

1.2.3国内外存在的问题 7

1.3本课题主要研究内容 7

第二章收割机信息集成系统硬件部分 PLC收割机信息集成系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/renwushu/lunwen_204347.html
