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时间:2018-09-18 20:41来源:毕业论文

Study on the relationship between potassium and pear tree nutrition and fruit quality
Abstract:In this study, we used the method of hydroponics to study the absorption and distribution of potassium in pear, and the method of topdressing potash fertilizer The effect of potash on the quality of 'cuiguan' pear fruit was studied. The results showed that the content of potassium in the organs of the unsolicited pear tree showed the leaf> root> stem, and the potassium content in the organs of the pear increased with the increase of the potassium supply level, but did not change the order of the organs. Potassium had no significant effect on the uptake of phosphorus and iron in pear trees, and had no significant effect on the uptake of magnesium and calcium under low potassium treatment, but inhibited its uptake at high potassium level. The fruit weight, soluble solid content, sugar and acid ratio and vitamin C content of the 'Cuiguan' pear were increased in different degrees, the content of stone cells in the fruit decreased and the fruit quality was improved significantly.
Key words: Pear;Potassium;Absorption;Distribution;Fruit
目  录

摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
引言    1
1 材料与方法    2
1.1试验材料    2
1.1.1水培材料    3
1.1.2田间试验材料    3
1.2试验方法    3
1.2.1水培试验方法    3
1.2.2田间试验方法    3
1.2.3指标测定    3
1.3数据处理    4
2 结果与分析    4
2.1不同浓度钾处理下‘翠冠’植株钾的分配与含量    4
2.2不同浓度钾处理对‘翠冠’植株大量元素的影响    5
2.3不同浓度钾处理对‘翠冠’植株微量元素的影响    6
2.4土壤施钾对‘翠冠’梨果实品质的影响    6
3.讨论    7
3.1钾在梨树内的主要积累器官    7
3.2钾与梨树大量元素磷、钙、镁吸收的关系    7
3.3钾与梨树微量元素铁、锌、锰、铜吸收的关系    7
3.4钾对‘翠冠’梨果实品质的影响    8
致谢    8
参考文献    8
    钾素被作为植物营养三要素之一,对植物的重要性不言而喻。而我国土壤中的钾素肥力已从不缺乏到缺乏,由南方缺乏到北方缺乏,由经济植物缺乏到禾谷类、果蔬菜等植物都缺乏,由高产田缺乏到中产田也缺乏。70-80年代初进行的全国第二次土壤普查结果显示我国有接近一半的土壤已经或正在出现缺钾和严重缺钾现象[1]。20世纪60年代后,钾肥的肥效越来越明显,广大农民也已经充分认识到钾的重要性。我国钾肥资源较为短缺[2],长期依赖进口钾肥,而近年来进口钾肥价格持续上涨,极大地加重了农民的负担。因此,进一步加深对钾素的认识,指导合理施用钾肥,在缓解生态环境恶化及提高农民收益等方面有重大意义。 钾与梨树营养和果实品质的关系研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_23163.html