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时间:2019-12-20 20:55来源:毕业论文

摘要:为了选育高产杂交小麦新品种,本研究以农科院选育的7个亲本及其组合的21个杂交组合为材料,考察其早期的5个性状株高、穗长、穗数、茎秆弹性、抽穗期,利用遗传学分析软QGAStation1.0对其进行遗传和杂种优势分析。结果表明,抽穗期、穗长、株高、穗数和茎秆弹性遗传力依次为0.621、0.315、0.296、0.173和0.074;亲本 P1作为矮杆亲本,P3、P4和P7的株高加性效应为负值,但显性效应为正值,因此可以作为杂交育种的矮杆亲本,但3者对杂种F1代株高仍具有正向促进作用。P4加性效应值和显性效应值均为较大的正值,即可以作为杂交选育的大穗亲本,也可以作为杂种优势利用的大穗亲本。P4、P5、P6和P7茎杆弹性加性效应值均为正值,可以作为抗倒伏育种的亲本之一,并且亲本P7对杂种F1也具有较好显性的抗倒伏促进作用。P7的穗数具有较大显性效应值,可用作多穗型杂种F1的亲本,而P2、P4、P5和P6适合做杂交选育多穗型的亲本。P1和P3抽穗期加性效应值为显著负值,适宜作杂交选育的早熟亲本,同时显性效应值也为负值,因此也适合作杂种优势利用的早熟亲本。本研究为综合评价周麦高代亲本的杂种优势利用价值提供了依据。43097


Heterosis Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits in Wheat

Abstract: To study genetic combining ability of Zhoumai parents in main agronomic traits and  selected more excellent parents for produce better hybrids, seven stable wheat lines selfed-breeding as parents, a total of 21 combinations were made according to Griffing diallel method II, the combining ability and heritability of five major agronomic traits were analyzed using AD model by soft QGAStation1.0. The results shows that the heading stage, panicle length, plant height, panicle number and stalk elastic heritability followed by 0.621 and 0.315, 0.296, 0.173 and 0.074; parents P1 as the dwarf parents, P3, P4 and P7 strain additive effect is negative, but dominant effect is positive, so it can be as dwarf parents for cross breeding, but 3 of Hybrid F1 generation plants with has a positive role in promoting. P4 additive effects and dominant effects are positive, which could be used as the big ear parents of hybrid breeding, and also could be used as the big ear parents. For P4, P5, P6 and P7, their stem elastic have positive additive effect values, they can be used as one of the parents in breeding cultivar resistance to lodging, P7 also has better dominant lodging role for F1 hybrids. P7 has a large dominant effect in panicle number, can be used as the parent of multiple spike type hybrid F1, and the P2, P4, P5 and P6 are suitable for hybrid breeding of multiple spike type parents. The additive effect values of P1 and P3 are significant negative values, which are suitable for early maturing parents, and the dominant effect values are negative. This study provides a basis for the comprehensive evaluation of heterosis utilization value of parents from Zhoukou academy of agriculture sciences.

Key words: Wheat; Agronomic characters; Heterosis; High and stable yield

目    录

摘  要 1

引  言 2

1.材料与方法 3

1.1实验地概况 3

1.2实验材料 3

1.3试验种植方法和各性状测定方法 3

1.4遗传分析方法 4

2.结果与分析 4

2.1小麦农艺性状的遗传效应分析 4

2.2小麦农艺性状的加性效应分析 小麦主要农艺性状杂种优势分析:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_43773.html
