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时间:2020-04-27 20:07来源:毕业论文


Abstract Pelodiscus sinensis has high edible and medicinal value, in the Pelodiscus sinensis of the breeding process due to the large commodity turtle trading frequency, artificial breeding density crane breeding environment factors, such as all kinds of frequent disease. The Aeromonas hydrophilia does great harm to the breeding of Pelodiscus sinensis. To prevent the infection of Aeromonas hydrophilia, improving the immune  ability of Pelodiscus sinensis, the experiment is to research and development the subunit vaccine of the Aeromonas hydrophilia. First, using the method of PCR gets the DnaK and DnaJ genes.Then make two genes which are restructed on e.coli expression vector express in the e.coli and get rDnaK和rDnaJ. And the two recombinant proteins were mixed with Freund's adjuvant fully into a vaccine. Using the way of the intraperitoneal injection strengthens the immune, then use the laboratory of pathogenic strains were isolated to infect the young turtle. The experimental results show that rDnaK has 81.8% of the immune protective effect, but rDnaJ has only 31.8% of the immune protective effect.


Keyword: Pelodiscus sinensis;Aeromonas hydrophilia; DnaK;DnaJ;The immune protective effect

目    录

1.材料与方法 5

1.1实验材料 5

1.2基因克隆 5

1.2.1  嗜水气单胞菌基因组提取 5

1.2.2  利用PCR得到DnaK和DnaJ 5

1.2.3 PCR产物纯化 6

1.2.4重组DNA的转化 6

1.3大肠杆菌表达载体的构建 6

1.4重组蛋白的诱导表达与纯化 7

1.5亚单位疫苗的制备与免疫 7

1.6亚单位疫苗免疫保护效应检测 8

2.结果与分析 8

2.1基因的克隆 8

2.2重组蛋白的纯化 8

2.3重组蛋白的免疫保护效应 8

3.讨论 9

嗜水气单胞菌属于弧菌科,气单胞菌属,会引起人类腹泻、急性胃肠炎等疾病,还会导致鱼类、两栖类、鸟类等多种动物患败血病,甚至导致死亡。这对于一些以水产养殖为重要产业的大国,如中国、菲律宾等,造成了严重的经济损失。中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis),属于爬行纲(Reptilia)、龟鳖目(Chelonia)、鳖科(Trlonychidae)、鳖属(Trionyx),具有较高的食用和药用价值,是我国重要的淡水养殖名优品种。中华鳖养殖一直是增加农民收入、发展农村经济的有效途径,该养殖产业已成为许多省市的重点扶持产业和发展方向.水体中的常在菌嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophilia)[2]在现代高密度养殖和加温(28~30℃)饲养条件下,繁殖能力最佳,致病性增强,导致鳖病增多[3]。中华鳖嗜水气单胞菌感染的临床病型有多种,局部感染为主的皮肤溃疡、疖疮等,腹底板瓷白色为特征而出现了白底,而更多见且危害又最严重的是急性出血性败血症[3]。 中华鳖抗嗜水气单胞菌亚单位疫苗的制备:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_50647.html
