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时间:2021-01-06 22:33来源:毕业论文

摘要: γ-癸内酯是香料行业中应用广泛的一种调香原料。近年来,随着消费者对天然香料的需求与日俱增,生物发酵法生产γ-癸内酯的研究受到越来越多的学者和企业的重视。本研究通过对购买所得的几株解酯酵母菌进行初步筛选,得到了一株代号为CICC的产γ-癸内酯的菌,以此菌为出发菌株,以菌体生长量为指标优化了初步生长阶段培养条件,以γ-癸内酯的产量为指标优化了转化阶段培养条件。最终确定了发酵培养基组成:葡萄糖 2%,酵母浸出汁 0.6%,七水硫酸镁 0.24%,磷酸氢二钠 0.12%,磷酸二氢钾 0.025%,蓖麻油酸 2.5%,甘油 1.0%;发酵条件为:装液量 30ml发酵液/250ml锥形瓶,摇床转速250r/min,培养温度28℃,接种量 8%,种龄 24h,pH 自然,底物添加时间 26h。在此条件下,γ-癸内酯的产量从原本的90mg/L提升至149mg/L,产量增加了65.6%。61967

毕业论文关键词: γ-癸内酯;蓖麻油酸;解酯酵母;发酵

A study on strain screening and transformation conditions of producing γ- decalactone by fermentation

Abstract: γ- decalactone is a widely used flavoring ingredient in perfume industry. In recent years, with an increasing demand of customers for natural spices, the survey on producing γ- decalactone by biological fermentation attracts more and more attention from both scholars and enterprises. After preliminary screening several purchased lipolytica yeast, the author has gotten a code-named CICC bacteria which produces γ- declactone. Putting the quantity of growth as a standard, the author optimizes the cultivation conditions of the initial stage. At the same time, the output of γ- declactone is regarded as an index to optimize the cultivation conditions in the conversion phase. Ultimately the composition of fermentation medium is determined: C6H12O6 2%, yeast extract 0.6%, MgSO4·7H2O 0.24%, Na2HPO4 0.12%, KH2PO4 0.025%, ricinoleic acid 2.5%, glycerol 1.0%. Fermentation conditions are:  30ml fermentation liquid volume and 250ml erlenmeyer flask, rotation speed 250r / min, culture temperature 28 ℃, inoculation size 8%, seed age 24h, pH naturally, substrate addition time 26h. Under these conditions, production volume of γ- decalactone increases from the original 90mg / L to 149mg / L, up by 65.6%.

Key words: yeast; ricinoleic acid; Fermentation; γ-decalactone

1绪论 1

1.1 γ-癸内酯(GDL)的概况 1

1.1.1 GDL的结构 1

1.1.2 GDL的理化性质 1

1.1.3 GDL的用途 1

1.2 国内外生产研究概况 2

1.2.1 行业背景 2

1.2.2 研究背景 2

1.2.3 研究进展 3

1.2.4 GDL的化学合成法 3

1.2.5 GDL的生物技术法 4

1.2.6 GDL的微生物发酵法 5

1.3 分离提取工艺研究概况 5

1.3.1 GDL的提取 5

1.3.2 GDL的分析 5

1.4 本课题研究目的与意义 6

1.4.1 本课题研究目的 6

1.4.2 本课题研究意义 6

1.4.3 本课题主要内容 6

2 材料与方法 7

2.1 实验材料 发酵法生产γ-癸内酯的菌种筛选及转化条件研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_67969.html
