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时间:2021-11-09 20:13来源:毕业论文



The environment of urban elevated greening and reasonable plant selection

Abstract:Urban Greening marks the development of a city and the degree of modernization, with the city's population increasing, the corresponding construction has also been a lot of construction, and in a short time to expand the building area of green land will lead to reduce the number of city building land and green land in conflict situations, the quality of ecological environment can not be guaranteed。 At the same time, the rapid construction of the city's leading city traffic inconvenience, to alleviate traffic pressure, the viaduct as the main carrier of rapid transit is a lot of investment in construction, but only with reinforced concrete construction caused by the elevated city lack of anger。 Therefore, there vertical greening not only alleviate the city greening the tension, but also to provide people in contact with natural opportunities。 Through investigation, comparison, analysis, a clear understanding of the environmental characteristics of the elevated green plants, and plant species The reasonable selection of plant is illustrated by examples, and the reasonable choice of urban elevated greening environment and plant is explained。

Key words: Vertical greening; Viaduct; Plant selection; Living environment

目  录

1绪论 1

1。1研究背景研究法 1

1。2研究方法 1

1。3国内外研究现状 1

1。3。1国外研究现状 1

1。3。2国内研究现状 2

1。4上海市垂直绿化现状 2

2。 城市高架绿化效应及现状分析 3

2。1高架绿化的意义 3

2。2高架绿化的功能 3

2。2。1 交通功能 3

2。2。2生态功能 3

2。2。3 隔音降噪 3

2。2。4 改善城市面貌 4

2。3如今高架绿化存在的问题 4

2。3。1形式单一 4

2。3。2建设成本高 4

2。3。3绿化效果不持久 5

2。3。4现阶段对于高架绿化研究的局限性 5

2。4 滴灌技术的运用 5

3 高架绿化环境特征 7

3。1 植物生长环境因素 城市高架绿化的环境与植物合理选择:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_84580.html
