关键词: 有机结合氚; 前处理; 氧化炉; 液闪计数器
Title Determination of low-level tritium in environmental samples by liquid scintillation counter
The method of a liquid scintillation counter(LSC) for the analysis of low to very low-level tritium in environmental samples is described. A technology had been developed for tissue free-water tritium(TFWT) using a LSC. In order to determine organically bound tritium(OBT) concentrations, environmental samples are generally first dried in 105℃ more than 3 hours to remove tritiated water. Then, the dry residue is burnt in a special furnace(combustion furnace) with oxygen. Finally, the tritiated water fraction obtained is measured using a LSC .The point is how to design a new pretreatment device and to evaluate its efficiency by monitor the tritium levels in soil samples .The comparison results with MTT combustion furnace show that overshoot temperature is less than 6℃, and the average recovery of HTO and OBT was about 95%,which showed good reproducibility .The pretreatment device can be used to survey the OBT in environmental samples.
Keywords: Organically bound tritium; Pretreatment; Combustion furnace; Liquid scintillation counter
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 氚的产生及性质 1
1.2 环境中氚的形态及迁移行为 2
1.3 氚的危害及影响 3
2 液闪测量技术 4
2.1 液闪计数器原理 4
2.2 液闪测量条件 4
2.3 液闪测量的修正因素 5
2.3.1 淬灭的种类 5
2.3.2 淬灭校正 6
3 氧化炉前处理装置 11
3.1 T氧化炉结构和原理 11
3.2 MTT氧化炉 13
4 实验过程及结果 15
4.1 实验使用的仪器设备和试剂 15
4.2 温度控制与保温性能测定 15
4.3 氧化炉的回收率与重复性测量 16
4.4 土样中OBT的测定 16
4.4.1 采集样品 16
4.4.2 样品预处理 17
4.4.3 燃烧氧化 18
4.4.4 液闪测量 19
4.5 MTT氧化炉土壤分析 20
4.6 思考与改进 21
结论 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
1 绪论
1.1 氚的产生及性质
14N(n,T)12C (1)
利用宇宙射线的通量和反应截面估算氚的全球平均产生率,大约为0.2-0.25cm-2•s-1。 环境中微量氚的液闪测定法研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_9063.html