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时间:2018-03-27 16:56来源:毕业论文

Development of the Green Tea and Soybean Cookies
Abstract:This paper mainly focus on the influence of the sensory,malleability,hardness,flexibility which affect by type and ratio of raw materials. Through experiments, the recipe for this type of cookies has finally been established. The results show that in the baking process of the green bean and soybean cookies, it produces the best outcomes when water and salt-free butter are added, and when the ratio between powdered sugar and white sugar is 2:1. This is the recipe that are best recognized (baking percentage %). Recipe: low gluten flour 100, butter 55, sugar 33, egg 18, green tea powder 1.2, soybean powder 3.5 .The required baking temperatures for the upper and down heating are 180 and 130 degree respectively; the baking period is 18 minutes. The cookies are light green color;crispy and loose;green tea and soybean flavor blend with milk flavor.And the decorative pattern is beautiful.The extension rate is 4.1, hardness is 1821.1g.
Key words:cookie;green tea;soybean;development
目  录
1 引言    1
1.1 绿茶及其在饼干中的应用    1
1.2 大豆及其在饼干中的应用    2
1.3曲奇饼干及其品质影响因素    3
1.3.1 曲奇饼干制作工艺    3
1.3.2 原辅料对曲奇饼干的品质影响    4
1.4 本课题的立题背景、研究内容及意义    6
2 材料与方法    7
2.1 实验材料    7
2.2 实验仪器与设备    7
2.3 实验方法    8
3 结果与讨论    10
3.1 曲奇饼干制作配方及工艺的初步确定    10
3.2 原辅料配比对曲奇饼干品质的影响    11
3.2.1 油脂对曲奇饼干感官品质的影响    11
3.2.2 糖对曲奇饼干感官品质的影响    17
3.2.3 蛋液添加量对曲奇饼干影响    19
3.3 绿茶大豆曲奇饼干的配方确定    21
3.3.1 绿茶粉添加对曲奇饼干感官品质及膨胀的影响    21
3.2.2 大豆粉添加对曲奇饼干感官品质及膨胀的影响    23
3.2.3 绿茶豆趣曲奇饼干的配方优化    24
4 结论    28
4.1 原辅料对曲奇饼干品质的影响    28
4.2 绿茶大豆曲奇饼干配方的确定与优化    29
致  谢    29
参考文献    31
1 引言
1.1 绿茶及其在饼干中的应用
绿茶是我国最早成产的茶类,遍及全国茶区,具有“绿叶清汤”、“香高醇”的品质特征,绿茶中含有茶多酚、咖啡碱、有机酸、芳香物质、多种文生素、蛋白质、游离氨基酸、多糖、矿物质、单宁等物质,其中茶多酚为绿茶中的主要成分,占干物质的20-30%[1]。现代研究表明,绿茶具有抗氧化,抗辐射,消炎抑菌,抗龋护齿,降低血脂、血糖、血压,防癌抗癌,强心利尿,消除疲劳,增进食欲等功能。 绿茶豆趣曲奇饼干的研制+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_11949.html