摘要:本文研究了冷等离子体杀菌处理对蓝莓常温贮藏品质的影响。利用45 kV电压下产生的冷等离子体处理蓝莓50 s,在20℃、相对湿度85 %条件下贮藏8 d,每2 d测定蓝莓表面微生物菌落总数、营养品质指标和生理生化指标,研究了冷等离子体处理技术对蓝莓杀菌效果和贮藏品质的影响。试验结果表明,冷等离子体处理能显著降低蓝莓果实表面微生物菌落数量,对蓝莓果实表面的微生物具有良好的抑制作用。冷等离子体处理能降低腐烂率,增加蓝莓果实硬度,提高VC含量和果实内花青素含量,提高了蓝莓SOD、CAT、PPO和POD活性,提高了在常温贮藏保鲜期间蓝莓的品质。冷等离子体可作为一种新型杀菌方法应用在蓝莓杀菌保鲜中。29828
Effects of Cold Plasma on Sterilization and Storage Quality of Blueberry Fruits
Abstract:This paper studies the effect of low temperature plasma sterilization on the storage quality of blueberry. The effects of cold plasma treatment on the sterilization and storage quality of blueberries were studied by treating blueberry fruits with cold plasma at 45 kV for 50 s, then stored at 20℃ and relative humidity of 85% for 8 days. The total number of microbial colonies on the surface of blueberries were determined every 2 days. The nutritional quality, physiological and biochemical indexes were used to evaluate the effect of cold plasma treatments on the sterilization and preservation of blueberries. The results showed that sterilization treated by cold plasma can significantly reduce the number of microbes through inhibiting the microbes on the surface of blueberries. Compared to CK, the decay rate was reduced the hardness, the content of VC and anthocyanin of blueberry fruits were increased, the activity of SOD、CAT、PPO and POD of the berry fruit. It can improve the quality of blueberry fruits during storage at room temperature and can be used as a new bactericidal method in blueberry sterilization preservation.
Key words:cold plasma (CP), sterilization, storage quality, blueberry
目 录
Key words1
1 材料与方法2
1.1 试验材料与试剂 2
1.2 试验仪器与设备 2
1.3 试验方法 2
1.5 数据分析4
2 结果与分析4
2.1 冷等离子体对蓝莓杀菌效果的影响 4
2.2 冷等离子体对蓝莓贮藏品质的影响 4
2.3 冷等离子体对蓝莓抗氧化酶活性的影响 8
3 讨论与结论9
在过去,主要是以热力杀菌为主的传统杀菌技术中,其中包括巴氏杀菌、高温杀菌、超高温瞬时杀菌、微波杀菌和电阻加热杀菌等。这些杀菌技术不仅降低了农产品的新鲜度,还影响了其品质[10]。冷等离子体 (cold plasma, CP) 技术作为新兴的冷杀菌技术被应用于食品杀菌领域,受到国内外研究者的广泛关注[11,14]。冷等离+子体可有效杀死或钝化细菌、霉菌、酵母及其他有害微生物,甚至可使孢子和生物菌膜失活[15],提高了果蔬的杀菌效果。Danijela[16]等研究了冷等离子体对石榴汁的影响,发现等离子体对石榴汁花青素及颜色具有积极的作用,花青素含量与样品容积、等离子介质流速密切相关。Criter [17]等使用冷等离子体对苹果、美国香瓜和莴苣表面的大肠杆菌O157:H7、沙门氏菌和单核增生性李斯特菌进行处理,明显减少了所有样品的菌落数量。Stefano[18]等研究发现冷等离子体处理30 s,使芒果表面的单核增生性李斯特菌和大肠杆菌浓度下降。 基于冷等离子体技术的蓝莓杀菌和保鲜研究:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_25226.html