Study on the enrichment of active components in Peanut
Abstract: Peanut is a major food crop in the world, rich in a variety of nutrients and functional active ingredients. This paper studied the nutrients and active ingredients of 16 kinds of peanut varieties , and resveratrol is an extremely important one but its concentration is very low. In order to improve the content of resveratrol in peanut, this paper enrich it by means of germination. The changes of sensitized protein in peanut germination process were also studied because peanut protein also changes during germination. The results showed that the content of basic components in different peanut varieties varied greatly. Resveratrol content in peanut in the process of germination of will increase, 3 days for the best germination time (resveratrol content: 1.9μg/g, d.w.), and sensitized protein content in in peanut germination process decreased.
Key words: peanut; resveratrol; germination; sensitized protein
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract.. 1
Key words 1
引言 1
1材料与方法 2
1.1 实验材料 2
1.1.1 花生 2
1.1.2 主要试剂 2
1.2 主要仪器设备 2
1.3 实验方法 3
1.3.1不同品种花生中基础成分的测定 3
2 结果与分析 5
2.1 不同品种花生的基础成分比较 5
2.2 花生发芽过程中吸水量的测定 7
2.3 花生发芽过程中白藜芦醇含量的变化 7
2.4 不同品种花生的蛋白质组分电泳分析 8
2.5 花生发芽过程中蛋白质组分电泳分析 9
3 讨论 10
致谢 10
参考文献 10
我国的花生年产量为世界第一,是众所周知的花生生产大国。花生一直以来都被大家认为是一种健康食物,在中国古代更是有“长生果”的美称,经常食用花生可以益气补血、润肺化湿、滋养肌肤,还可以预防高血压及心血管等方面十分危险的疾病。花生中蛋白质的含量高达 20%~30 %,是仅次于大豆的蛋白质的优质来源[2]。花生蛋白质是一种与动物蛋白比较相近的蛋白质,因为富含人体必需氨基酸,而且天冬氨酸和谷氨酸的含量都比较高,具有丰富的营养价值。目前大部分花生粕被用作饲料,尤其花生粕蛋白质利用价值过低,故开展花生粕蛋白的深度加工研究,合理开发利用其中富含的营养物质,具有十分重要的现实意义[3]。 花生功能活性成分富集研究:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_26518.html