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时间:2019-10-17 20:20来源:毕业论文

Studies on the Production of Rice Chiffon Cake and its Shelf Life
Abstract: In this paper, with japonica rice powder to replace low gluten flour of the traditional chiffon cake to make rice flour chiffon cake. The optimum formulation of rice powder Chiffon cake is ( for bake%):rice flour100%, eggs269%, sucrose88%, water33%, oil35%, cream of tartar 2%. The optimum operating parameters is: crack egg white to stiff peck, add batter to an amount of 60% volume of the mold. Baking temperature: top heat 185 ℃ and bottom fire 175 ℃ for 22min.Preserve the rice powder chiffon cake for five days at room temperature, comparing with low-gluten powder chiffon cake. The moisture content of rice powder cake decreases slightly, from 36.8% to 35.6%, lower than the low-gluten powder cake. The acid value of rice powder cake is higher than the low-gluten powder cake. During the preservation, acid value has been significantly increased, rising from 2.09 to 4.17. The hardness of rice power cake is significantly lower than the low-gluten powder cake. During the preservation, the hardness increased from 305.879g to 583.645g, slightly lower than the low-gluten flour cake. Relatively, low-gluten powder chiffon cake is more seriously aging with a large volume of retraction.
KeyWords: chiffon cake;japonica rice;preservation
 目  录
1 引言    1
1.1 戚风蛋糕    1
1.2 原辅料在戚风蛋糕中的作用    2
1.2.1 低筋粉在戚风蛋糕中的作用    2
1.2.2 糖在戚风蛋糕中的作用    2
1.2.3 鸡蛋在戚风蛋糕中的作用    3
1.2.4 塔塔粉在戚风蛋糕中的作用    3
1.3 大米与低筋粉    3
1.3.1粳米    4
1.3.2 低筋小麦粉    4
1.3.3粳米和低筋小麦粉的性能比较    4
1.4 米粉在蛋糕中的应用研究    4
1.5 本课题的立题背景、研究内容及意义    5
2 材料与方法    6
2.1 实验材料    6
2.2 实验仪器与设备    6
2.3 实验方法    7
2.3.1 蛋糕焙烤百分比的计算    7
2.3.2 戚风蛋糕的基本配方    7
2.3.3 戚风蛋糕的制作工艺    7
2.3.4 粳米粉替代低筋粉制作戚风蛋糕    8
2.3.5 蛋白膏比重的测定    8
2.3.6 面糊比重的测定    8
2.3.7 蛋糕比容的测定    8
2.3.8 蛋糕水分含量的测定    8
2.3.9 戚风蛋糕的感官评定    9
2.3.10 蛋糕酸价的测定    9
2.3.11 蛋糕的质构分析    10
3 结果与讨论    12
3.1 蛋白打发程度的确定    12
3.2 烘烤面糊厚度对蛋糕品质的影响    12 米粉戚风蛋糕的制作及保质期研究:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_41034.html