Abstract: Today, beer brewing industry is a global industrial project. Beer has also become a kind of traditional culture. In recent years, development of new beer products is hot, and the new products trend following features, flavor, health protection, light, clear, etc., . This experiment fermented the flavor of mint beer with mint as auxiliary materials in beer fermentation tank. What they have learned in the brewing process can see study summary, to understand some knowledge and points for attention in the process of brewing, as mint flavor of beer brewed to produce laid a certain foundation. At the same time, by adding the mint in an ordinary beer as the reference substance, the determination of the physical and chemical properties of the original wort and finished product beer, obtained the lab features such as mint beer wine appearance and wine taste sensory analysis, and then discusses mint flavor of beer of human life and health of human body, its market prospect and economic benefit.
Keywords: beer, mint, new product development, market prospect
1 前言 4
2 材料与方法 6
2.1啤酒发酵 6
2.1.1啤酒发酵原料 6
2.1.2啤酒的酿造过程 6
2.2 啤酒检测 8
2.2.1 糖度测定 8
2.2.2 pH测定 8
2.2.3 总酸测定 8
2.2.4 苦味质测定 9
2.2.5 酒精度测定 10
3 结果与讨论 10
3.1 原麦汁的检测结果 10
3.2 啤酒的检测结果 10
3.2.1 pH 10
3.2.2总酸 10
3.2.3糖度 10
3.2.4苦味质 10
3.2.5酒精度 11
3.3感官评价 11
结论 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
1 前言
啤酒是人类最古老的酒精饮料之一,是可可和茶之后世界上消耗量排名第三的饮料。啤酒于二十世纪初传入中国,属外来酒种。啤酒是根据英语Beer译成中文“啤”,称其为“啤酒”,沿用至今。啤酒以大麦芽、酒花、水为主要原料,经酵母发酵作用酿制而成的饱含二氧化碳的低酒精度酒,被称为“液体面包”,是一种低浓度酒精饮料。啤酒除富有人体不能合成的8种必须的氨基酸外,还含有多种维生素和较高的热能[1]。啤酒乙醇含量最少、故喝啤酒不但不易醉人伤人、少量饮用反而对身体健康有益处。啤酒含二氧化碳,饮用时有清凉舒适感,能促进食欲。 薄荷风味啤酒的酿造与检测:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_77209.html