摘要本文是由于在新课程背景下数学学困生数量明显增加,通过学困生研究已有理论和实践 基础,对于象山地区的高中学生开展“学困生”分析。调查研究笔者代课本校高一年级的两个 班级,分析数学学困生的成因发展,把握和了解学困生产生的各种因素。88618
首先通过问卷调查进行数学学困生和学优生在在非智力因素的比较,得到在重点中学中, 非智力因素上,学困生主要是在学习兴趣和学习态度上显著低于数学学优生。再次在对数学 学困生自我归因和教师对于学困生的学困生归因进行比较,得到数学学困生将学困归因主要 归结于自己粗心和考试时间分配不好等,教师主要讲数学学困生成因归因于学困生的不良学 习方法,欠缺努力。然后对典型的数困生进行个案分析,在具体案例总找到对于具体数困生 的成因,为同种类型的数困生教育提供一个扎实有效的参考蓝本。最后是对本次研究内容进 行分析,归纳中学数学学困生成因主要因素主要是非智力因素、自信心、解题速度、数学思 维和数学学困归因等方面的问题。
This article is due to the new curriculum in the background of the number of students to learn a significant increase in the number of students through the study of existing theoretical and practical basis for the high school students in Xiangshan area to analyzes the difficulties of the students in senior high school students in Xiangshan。 Investigation and Research on the two classes of grade one of senior high school students, analyze the causes of the development of students with learning difficulties in mathematics, grasp and understand the various factors of students with learning difficulties。
First, through the questionnaire survey for mathematics learning difficult students and top students in non intellectual factors, in the key middle school, the non intelligence factors of students with learning difficulties, mainly in the learning interest and learning attitude were significantly lower than those of mathematics gifted students。 In math again self attribution and teachers for students with learning difficulties students attribution students get trapped, mathematics learning difficulty students will be learning difficulties attribution is mainly due to the careless distribution and the test time is not good, the teacher is mainly about the mathematics learning difficulty students attribution causes bad learning methods to students with learning difficulties, lack of hard。 Then, a typical case study of the number of students with disabilities, in the specific case of the total number of students to find the cause of the formation of the specific number of students for the same type of education to provide a solid and effective reference。 The last part is the analysis of the content of this study, and the main causes of the formation of middle school mathematics students are non intelligence factors, self-confidence, the speed of solving problems, mathematical thinking and attribution of mathematical difficulties, etc。。
毕业论文关键词:数学学困生; 成因; 个案分析;
Keyword: underachiever in mathematics ; causes; case analysis;
目 录
1。 问题的提出 4
1。1 选题背景和源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 意义 4
1。2 本文的结构 4
2。 文献研究 5
2。1 数学学困生概念的界定 中学数学学困生成因的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_164372.html