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时间:2024-06-26 22:02来源:95579




Abstract:Ordinary differential equations are now widely used, including biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, engineering and many other disciplines, at the same time in astronomy, economics, communications engineering,  aerospace technology and many other areas also have an important role, which is an important tool, in the connection between mathematical theory and reality. Ordinary differential equation is an important part of mathematics, and also the basis of mathematical branching. The development of ordinary differential equations can be said to be a history of mathematical modeling.

This article first explains the basic concepts of differential equations, the history of differential equations and some of its research results. Then we describe several common differential equation solutions: the variable separation equation, the homogeneous differential equation. Finally, the research results of the ordinary differential equation in the financial engineering are explained by several models. The product promotion model, the market price adjustment model and the securities portfolio model provide a strong basis for practical application, which means that the ordinary differential equation is in financial engineering the important role.

Key words: Ordinary differential equation; Mathematical model; Practical application

第一章绪论 1

1.1理论背景 1

1.2研究内容及意义 1

第二章常微分方程的基本知识 3

2.1微分方程发展史 3

2.2基本概念 3

2.2.1常微分方程定义 3

2.2.2线性和非线性 4

2.2.3解和隐式解 4

2.2.4通解和特解 4

2.3常微分方程的解法 5

2.3.1变量分离方程 5

2.3.2齐次微分方程 6

2.4金融模型的应用 6

第三章实际应用 9

3.1市场价格调整模型 9

3.2资产模型 10

3.3产品推广模型 11

总结与展望 13

致谢 14

参考文献 15



常微分方程是一种最为基本的数学理论,它对于研究物体运动,现象的变化规律,自然、社会科学中的事物有着重要的作用。它对于时代的进步有着重要的意义。它的发展与力学,物理学,天文学等其他学科是分不开的,数学具有一个庞大的分支,这些分支也对常微分方程的发展产生了重要的影响,例如复变函数等学科。不止如此,常微分方程的理论和应用在计算机的快速发展下也的到了有力证明。 常微分方程在金融工程中的若干应用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_204193.html
