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时间:2024-10-19 20:28来源:98028



关键词: 分形几何;分维数;IFS算法;非线性映射;Julia集;Matlab;应用

Brief Probe Into Fractal Geometry

Abstract: The first part of the dissertation focuses on the origin and development of fractal geometry, as well as the basic concepts of fractal features and fractal dimensions. Then this section mainly reviews the structure, properties, and characteristics of typical  fractal geometries such as Koch curves, Cantor sets, and Sherpinski triangles. Besides, illustrating the definition of the fractal dimension, types and algorithms. Thus learning more about the basics of fractal theory.

The rest chapters introduces firstly the generation mechanism of fractal geometry, and puts emphasis on applications in iterative function system algorithm (IFS algorithm). Meanwhile, taking some examples to illustrate typical fractal geometry, like Koch curve generated by IFS algorithm as well as Julia sets and Mansfold sets generated by nonlinear mapping. Finally, exquisite pictures are designed by iterative program in Matlab. Then focusing on the application of fractal geometry in various fields and some of the cutting-edge research results.

Keywords: Fractal geometry; Fractal dimension; IFS algorithm; Nonlinear mapping; Julia set; Matlab; Application 


1绪论 1

1.1分形几何提出的历史背景 1

1.2分形几何的提出以及研究状况 1

1.2.1分形几何的提出 1

1.2.2分形几何的研究状况 1

1.3分形几何的研究意义 2

2分形几何综述 3

2.1分形几何——科赫曲线 3

2.1.1海岸线与科赫曲线的联系 3

2.1.2科赫曲线的测量 4

2.1.3科赫曲线的自相似性 5

2.1.4科赫曲线的特征 6

2.2分形几何的特征 6

2.2.1康托尔三分集 6

2.2.2谢尔平斯基三角 9

2.2.3分形几何特征的总结 11

2.3分形几何维数 11

2.3.1分形维数的提出 11

2.3.2分形维数的种类 13

2.3.3典型分形几何的维数 13

3分形几何的生成 16

3.1IFS算法提出的背景 16

3.2用计算生成分形的方法——IFS算法 浅谈分形几何+matlab代码:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_204854.html
