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时间:2020-01-17 09:10来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:数学建模; 高中数学; 应用策略;教学案例

This paper introduces the development of mathematical modeling and discuss the necessary of high-school mathematical modeling activities from educational psychology and high-school math teaching. According to constructivism, theory of problem solving and "taking the question as the link" teaching theory, I introduced the theoretical background of the application of mathematical modeling in at senior high school math-teaching.

Math teachers and math educators concerns about integrating the idea of mathematical modeling in high-school mathematics teaching. This paper analyzes the mathematical modeling ability of present high-school students and find restricting factors of their mathematical modeling ability. Then, thinking of high school mathematic teaching, this paper puts forward several matters needing attention for teachers in the teaching activities. And from general process of mathematical modeling, I explore the way of combining mathematical modeling and normal teaching activities and discusse the planning of  mathematical modeling activities in class homework and holiday activities.

Keyword:  mathematical modeling;High school mathematics;teaching strategy


1. 引言——数学建模及其时代特征 4

2. 高中开展数学建模教学活动的必要性 4

3. 数学建模的理论依据 4

4. 中学开展数学建模的研究现状 5

5. 中学生数学建模能力现状分析 5

6. 数学建模融入高中数学教学活动的思考 6

7. 数学建模的一般过程 7

8. 数学建模活动与正常教学活动结合 8

9. 课外活动中应用数学建模思想融入策略 15

10. 本文总结 16

11. 参考文献 17

12. 致谢 18

1. 引言——数学建模及其时代特征


当今社会需要数学建模这方面的人才。近年来,数学教育改革越来越关注将数学理论和方法应用到实际问题的解决中去。这样的创新教育已经是数学教学高歌中备受关注的一个热点。所以,增强数学应用数学知识解决问题已经是数学教育改革中一个非常重要的课题。通过数学建模的教学,达到培养学生应用意识和数学实践能力,并让学生体会数学的应用价值进而服务社会。基于上述种种理由,在新课程实施的背景下,研究数学建模就很有必要了。 数学建模在高中数学中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_45288.html
