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时间:2023-01-07 19:45来源:毕业论文



Investigation report on the development of amateur football in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province

Abstract   The Tiantai County Amateur Football League as a starting point, the author personally participate in the Tiantai County Amateur Football League, combined with Tiantai county development of football history, using the theory of social sports management and guidance as well as competition organization aspects, field investigation and research to the present situation of the League development。 It is believed that the sports authorities and the local football association should carry out the correct guidance to the football fans, and increase the investment of the insurance and the establishment of the mechanism to deal with the accident injury。 In referee troop's construction should be football referee to attach great importance to the training and promotion of and strengthen the referees every law enforcement supervision, put an end to the referee's whistle, and emotion and aggressive law enforcement and other issues。

 Key words: amateur; football league; Tiantai County

目 录

1选题的意义和目的 1

1。1选题的意义 1

1。2选题的目的 1

2国内外研究综述 1

2。1 国内研究现状 1

2。2国外研究现状 3

3研究思路、对象与方法 4

3。1研究思路 4

3。2研究对象 4

3。3研究方法 4

3。3。1文献资料法 4

3。3。2访谈法 4

3。3。3实地考察法 4

3。3。4问卷调查法 5

3。3。5数理统计法 6

4结果与分析 6

4。1相关概念界定 6

4。1。1业余足球联赛的概念界定 6

4。1。2天台地理位置 6

4。2天台业余足球发展现状 6

4。2。1天台业余足球发展概况 6

4。2。2天台业余足球联赛发展概况 7

4。2。3天台县业余足球联赛发展中遇到的瓶颈 7

4。3对参赛俱乐部以及俱乐部球员的调查 8

4。3。1俱乐部球员的年龄与职业 8

4。3。2球员参与业余足球的动机 9

4。3。4俱乐部的经费情况 台州业余足球联赛发展现状调查与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_121514.html
