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时间:2024-03-28 22:16来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着21世纪新兴科技的高速发展,不仅给人们的生活带来了极大的便利同时随着经济的迅猛发展,人们接受教育的水平普遍提高因此其社会意识也发生了相应的变化。现如今的人们已经逐渐有一种“健康”意识的出现,物质生活水平提高的背后更应该有一个相对健康的体魄来适应现如今高压、快节奏的生活方式。首先,健身运动是至关重要的。适量的锻炼不仅能增强人的身体素质而且能提升人们的兴趣品味、丰富人们的业余生活;其次,光有健身锻炼也是不够得,现如今强调养生教育,因此人们的饮食观念逐渐从怎样能让自己吃得饱转变为如何才能吃得健康吃的美味。合理的饮食搭配应该受到人们的关注和重视,因此本文通过文献资料法,综合分析法,调查访问法,数据统计等方法来探究常州市健身人群的日常餐饮状况,以及不同的餐饮状况对于健身运动效果以及身体素质的影响。由此来更好地推广“阳光健身,健康饮食”的新观念。94947


Abstract: With the rapid development of 21st century emerging science and technology, not only brought great convenience to people's life at the same time, with the rapid development of economy, people accept education level generally so their social consciousness and corresponding changes have taken place。 Today's people have a sense of "fitness" is gradually appear, behind the material life level more should have a relatively healthy physique to adapt to high pressure now, fast-paced way of life。 First of all, fitness is essential。 The right amount of exercise not only enhances the physical quality of the person but also improves the taste of the people and enriches the leisure life of people。 Secondly, fitness exercise is not enough, now emphasis on health education, so people's diet idea gradually shift from how to eat satisfied for how to eat healthily。 Many people who like sports fitness also gradually began to focus on the fitness of food collocation, so I'm going to in this article from the meaning of fitness and catering culture and analysis of the status quo, changzhou public fitness exercise and diet changes, to explore a reasonable improving exercise with the diet structure as well as the fitness provide reasonable Suggestions, etc。 Hence the new concept of "sunshine fitness, healthy eating"。

Keywords: network culture, middle school student, thought politics education, problem, countermeasures

目  录

1 前言 4

2 研究对象和方法 4

2。1 研究对象 4

2。2 研究方法 4

3 结果与分析 5

3。1 常州市健身人群锻炼目的情况 5

3。2不同锻炼目的人群的餐饮情况 5

3。3 常州市健身人群日常餐饮情况 7

3。4健身运动中饮食结构情况 8

3。5 常州市健身人群年龄及性别情况 9

3。6不同年龄层日常饮食情况 10

4 结论与建议 11

4。1结论 11

4。2 建议 11

参考文献 13

致  谢 14
