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时间:2020-07-14 21:34来源:毕业论文


ABSTRACT Objective: school-based curriculum is a relative concept of a national curriculum, local curriculum proposed, which is the administrative body change course management performance. This paper presents own understanding on primary school football school-based curriculum development. For primary school in line with the development of physical and psychological characteristics of students and teachers with a sports operability football school-based curriculum model, based on the school's own characteristics and conditions, according to the actual situation of the students to meet the learning needs of students sports curriculum development activities. Attention to students 'inpidual differences, respect and meet the students' needs are different learning and development, and promote students to actively participate in the development and potential, and promote the overall development of students. To better reflect the characteristics of the school, enrich and improve school physical education curriculum structure, improve the level of professional development of PE Teachers. 

毕业论文关键词:美国课程理念SPARK; 小学足球校本课程   

  Keywords:Idea SPARK curriculum;  Primary football school-based curriculum

1前言 4

2研究对象与方法 5

2.1  研究对象 5

2.2  研究方法 5

2.2.1文献资料法 5

2.2.2访谈法 5论文网

2.2.3问卷调查法 5

2.2.4数理统计法 5

3 结果与分析 6

3.1 杭州市足球校本课程开发的要素 6

3.1.1各个学段课时安排 6

3.1.2课程结构的构建 6

3.1.3课程大纲的拟定 6

3.1.4课程内容的组织 7

4美国SPARK课程理念下,小学足球校本课程开发策略 7

4.1.1基于《课程标准》精神开发课程 8

4.1.2注重对足球校本课程教师的培训 8

4.1.3注重与其他学科知识的融合 8

5 结论与建议 9

5.1结论 9

5.2建议 9

 参考文献 ...9
