摘 要:校本课程作为一种重要的课程类型,是由学校自主开发的,能够体现学校办学思想和特色的,可供学生选择的课程。本研究运用问卷调查,文献资料、数理分析等方法分析出无锡市初中校本课程中存在的问题并提出具有建设性的意见,从而丰富校本课程内容,为体育校本课程的实施提供一些帮助。通过调查分析校本课程开展现状得出以下结论:1体育.校本课程开设时间较短,课程种类较少2.领导、教师和学生对课程的认识不够3.学校场地资源不充足、器械不完善4.教师教学负担过重以及专项知识的不足。66573
Abstract:As an important type of the courses, school-based curriculum is developed by the school. It reflects the thoughts and characteristics of the school, and it can be chosen by the students freely. This paper uses the method of questionnaire, literature source, mathematical analysis to analyze the problems in the schools-based curriculum of Wu xi senior high school, in the same time, it also raises some meaningful suggestions according to this problems in order to enrich the content of the school-based curriculum and offer help to the implement of physical school-based curriculum. According to the analysis of the current situation of the development of school-based curriculum, we can make a conclusion: 1. Physical school-bases curriculum carries out a short time, and there are little kinds of the school-based curriculum. 2. The leaders ,teachers and students pay no attention to this curriculum. 3. There are not enough school grounds and appliances. 4. The teachers are lack of professional knowledge and they are under the great pressure of the teaching.
Keyword:Wu xi city;Junior high school:school-based PE curriculum content:current situation
目 录
1 前言 3
2.研究对象和方法 3
2.1研究对象 3
2.2研究方法 3
2.2.1文献资料法 3
2.2.2问卷调查法 3
2.2.3数理统计法 4
3结果与分析 4
3.1无锡市体育校本课程开设的现状分析 4
3.2无锡市体育校本课程开设内容现状分析 4
3.3无锡市校领导、教师对体育校本课程的认识现状分析 5
3.4无锡市学生对体育校本课程的认识现状分析 6
3.5无锡市体育校本课程开设相关教师特征现状分析 7
3.6无锡市六所初中场地资源现状分析 8
3.7无锡市教师在体育校本课程开展过程中面临的困难分析 9
4.结论与建议 10
4.1结论 10
4.2建议 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
附录 A 教师问卷 14
附录 B学生问卷 15
1 前言
随着素质教育的脚步逐渐地延伸,我国体育教育事业的改革一直在如火如荼地进行着,在新的时代背景下,来自国内外东西方的各种不同教育思想及理念在不断地彼此碰撞和融合,同时也影响着广大体育教育工作者们在探寻和摸索中逐步构建适合我国学校体育课程领域的理论体系并为之不懈实践。“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂”,我们国家正在经历着又一场自上而下的思想解放。要创新,就必须关注个性,关注差异性,关注每个学生,这种浓郁的人文zhuyi色彩是为国家的发展、民族的振兴愿望所驱使的,因而也就更具有了现实意义和实现的可能性。校本课程的实施正是弥补了诸多不足,提倡“学校特色”,我国幅员辽阔,教育发展呈不平衡现象,教育条件和环境也不尽相同,对体育教学的开展也造成了困难,然而随着社会和教育环境产生的变化,初中体育教学面对着重大的机遇和挑战,初中体育教学急切的呼唤校本课程的实施以促进体育教学的发展。体育校本课程的开设,有利于改变学生的学习方法,为学生提供学习过程中空间选择和内容选择,体现了教学内容的多样性和选择性。文献综述 无锡市初中体育类校本课程开展现状的调查和分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_74533.html