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时间:2021-05-24 23:13来源:毕业论文
采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对淮安市清浦区社区体育健身路径和居民健身行为进行了研究。运用Microsoft Office EXCEL统计软件从参加社区路径锻炼人群的自然情况

摘要: 随着生活水平的提高,人们更加注重身体锻炼,积极参加健身活动,而不同的体育健身路径对社区居民健身行为也有着不同的影响。本文主要是采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对淮安市清浦区社区体育健身路径和居民健身行为进行了研究。运用Microsoft Office EXCEL统计软件从参加社区路径锻炼人群的自然情况、锻炼主要目的、居民的锻炼场地、 锻炼的时间段、锻炼频率和每次持续时间五个维度进行了统计分析,在此基础上提出了加强体育锻炼宣传工作、设立一些锻炼的器材和新颖的锻炼方式、加强社区物业公司对设施的检查和维护力度,加强建设一些免费的锻炼场所的四条对策建议来完善社区居民健身条件和环境。67380


Abstract: with the improvement of life level, people pay more attention to physical exercise,and actively participate in fitness activities, and sports fitness path is different on the fitnessbehavior of community residents also have different effects. This paper mainly uses the literature material, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics and other methods ofQingpu District, Huaian city community sports fitness path and residents fitness behavior was studied. The use of SPSS statistical software from participating in communitypopulation natural path exercise, exercise, exercise site main purpose of residents, exercisetime, exercise frequency and duration of each of the five dimensions of the statistical analysis, based on this proposed to strengthen propaganda work, the establishment ofphysical exercise some exercise equipment and new way to exercise strengthen communityfacilities, the property company to inspection and maintenance efforts, four suggestions to strengthen the construction of some free places for exercise to improve the community residents fitness condition and environment.

Keywords: physical fitness path; fitness behavior of Qingpu District community residents; 

目  录

 1 前言4

 2 研究对象和方法4

 2.1研究对象 4

 2.2研究方法 4





 3 结果与分析5

 3.1参加社区路径锻炼人群的自然情况 5

 3.2社区居民参与体育健身路径主要目的调查 5

 3.3社区居民参与体育锻炼地点分布分析 6


 3.5锻炼人群的锻炼频率和每次持续时间  7








1  前言 


2  研究对象与方法

2.1  研究对象 淮安市社区居民的体育健身现状调查分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_75539.html
