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时间:2018-03-02 14:28来源:毕业论文

Title The infrared emissivity of the skin of the human body table Test and Evaluation Technology
Using Infrared temperature measurement techniques to measure the temperature of the object, the infrared emissivity of its surface must be known. So the the research work of infrared emissivity has been not of innovation and improve. An important application of infrared temperature measurement technology which is the medical field, for the launch of the study of human skin, the surface of the skin emissivity must be know. This experiment using the infrared thermal imager, shooting images of two different situations: One without the blackbody  projection, another one is generated under the same conditions using the blackbody projection image. The difference between the image of the two vice image contains only the reflection of infrared radiation, application of Kirchhoff's law and Helmholtz relationship, infrared emissivity can be obtained by simple calculation. Finally, experimental results show that human skin is the approximate measurement of body temperature by infrared thermometry, in the 8-14um band infrared emissivity and blackbody infrared emissivity of its surface must know. Kirchhoff's law and Helmholtz relationship, infrared emissivity can be obtained by simple calculation. Finally, experimental results show that human skin in the 8-14um band infrared emissivity is just like the blackbody.
Keywords: emissivity; human skin; infrared
1 绪论    3
1.1 课题研究意义    3
1.2 本次论文主要工作    4
2 发展和现状    4
2.1 发展背景    4
2.2 发射率测量技术的发展及现状    5
2.3 发射率测量技术特点    8
2.4 人体皮肤发射率测量技术的发展和现状    8
3 测量方法的设计    10
3.1 影响红外发射率的因素    10
3.2 实验设计原理    12
3.3系统构成    13
3.4 实验步骤    14
4 实验数据及分析    15
结论    19
致   谢    21
参考文献    22
1 绪论
1.1 课题研究意义
近年来,红外测温技术越来越多的被应用到医疗和工业等诸多领域. 在工业领域,红外测温可用于火车轴温检测。火车轴箱会由于温度过高而发生“燃轴”造成事故。把红外测温仪安装在铁道两侧,车过时,车轮的轴箱逐个扫过探测仪的视场,从而产生一系列的脉冲输出,若某个轴箱的温度允许的极限, 就可采取措施, 其检测的准确率在95 %以上。又如高压输电线路的众多接头中,有的由于某些原因发热成为热接点,可用红外测温仪进行快速、连续的非接触测量。另外,还可用于炉温检测、压延钢板的温度分布的测定等.在医疗领域, 红外测温技术,近年来以广泛应用到医疗领域, 当人体患病时,全身或局部的热平衡遭到破坏,便在相应部位的皮肤温度上反映出来。红外热像仪可以对白血病、雷诺氏病及肿瘤作早期诊断,特别是对浅表性乳腺癌和皮肤癌的早期诊断更有效。另外,用红外体温计给小儿和精神病患者测量体温省去了许多麻烦。 人体表皮肤的红外发射率测试评估技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_10165.html