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时间:2022-12-04 14:24来源:毕业论文




Abstract Under the premise of understanding and introducing the related knowledge of the generalized network control system, In this paper, the modeling problem of generalized network control system with different driving modes is considered, which has short delay, long delay, and sensor, controller and so on。 According to the network control link, the controller and actuator drive way is different。 We establish the mathematical model of delay singular networked control systems with four different driving modes。

 At the same time, the model of generalized network control system is pided into the former subsystem and the subsystem to analyze the controllability and observability of the system。 And an example is given to show that the conditions of controllability and observability of the generalized network control system are obtained。 If the model of the system can not be directly used to analyze the discrete system theorem, The system pides the system into subsystems and subsystems separately, We can define a system that is able to view or control when the system's pre - and post - subsystems are satisfied to be able to view or be able to control。

Keywords: Generalized network control system;Time delay;Mathematical model;Controllability; Observability。


第一章 绪论 1

1。1网络控制系统研究意义 1

1。2网络控制系统存在的问题 2

1。2。1网络时延 2

1。2。2数据包丢失 3

1。2。3多包传输 5

1。3国内外研究现状及其发展 5

1。3。1国内外研究现状 5

1。3。2网络控制系统的发展方向 7

1。4网络控制系统的研究方法 8

1。4。1被动分析方法 9

1。4。2主动设计方法 9

1。5本论文研究内容 11

第二章 时延广义网络控制系统的建模 13

2。1广义网络控制系统介绍 13

2。2 时延广义网络控制系统的建模 14

2。2。1 控制器事件驱动,执行器为事件驱动模型 14

2。2。2 控制器为事件驱动、执行器为时钟驱动模型 15

2。2。3 控制器为时钟驱动,执行器为事件驱动模型 时延广义网络控制系统的建模与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_105618.html
