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时间:2018-04-23 22:45来源:毕业论文

关键词  信息安全 信息隐藏  网络隐蔽信道  HTTP协议  Socket编程
Title   Design and Implementation of Network Behavior Based Covert Channel                                               
With the rapid development of network communication technology, the network covert channel is increasingly becoming the focus of network security field.Through the network concealed channel to transmit information hidden safe and reliable.This paper completed the following work:
(1)    Analyses the work mechanism of network concealed channel, describes the work of covert channel model;
(2)    Design based on the behavior of the network covert channel, the use of the channel can be embedded in the network protocol commands hidden information;
(3)    Based on Socket communication mechanism, through the VC++ write a concealed the remote transmission of information.
In an actual covert communication experiment was carried out in the Internet, the experimental results show that the covert channel in the process of communication with high concealment, good robustness, and the characteristics of the large capacity.
Keywords  Information security  Information hiding  The network covert channel  The HTTP protocol  The Socket programming
目   录
1  引言    1
1.1  课题的意义    1
1. 2  课题的研究现状    1
1. 3  论文结构    2
2  基于行为的网络隐蔽信道研究的理论基础    2
2. 1  网络隐蔽信道的系统模型    3
2.2  HTTP协议分析    4
2.3  Internet编程    9
3  基于行为的网络隐蔽信道的设计与实现    13
3.1  隐蔽信道的设计    13
3.2  隐蔽信道的实现    15
4 隐蔽信道的性能测量    19
4.1  实验环境    19
4.2  信道容量    21
4.3  信道鲁棒性    22
4.4  实验总结    23
结  论    24
致  谢    25
1  引言
隐蔽信道的定义为:在公开信道中建立一种实现隐蔽通信的信道,而它利用原本不用于信息传递的系统资源来传递,因此它的信息资源一般是不被系统的存取控制机制所检测的。这给了潜藏在网络中的黑客以极大可趁之机,黑客通过隐蔽信道的传输将病毒扩散到目标计算机上,或将国家、企业及个人的信息通过隐蔽信道泄露给敌人或对手。它的破坏性虽然还不明显,但已经引起了研究者们的关注。 基于行为的网络隐蔽信道的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_14014.html