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时间:2018-05-07 19:38来源:毕业论文

关键字: 多模谐振型滤波器  HFSS仿真  建立模型  优化设计参数
Title  Simulation and design of multimode resonant microstrip filter
   Among modern communications, with the rapid development of science and technology, microwave filters play an increasingly significant role.Filters are used in the key steps such as radar, navigation, satellite, tester,and people request the filter perform better and better.In this context, the goals which filter is made for are high performance, small size, low-cost development .The main subject bases on the principle of a multimode resonant microstrip filter design and research, and the numerical simulation of the multimode resonant microstrip filter is analyzed to obtain optimization of the coupling structure.As a result , filters ,so that, move on a small-size and high performance goals.
This paper includes such aspects:
Firstly, the basic design principles of the electromagnetic wave transmission and the basic theory of multimode resonant filter are mainly introduced.
Secondly, the commercial software HFSS is used to establish several different modals of multimode resonator filters and analysis its numerical simulation,and obtain the model output waveform.
Finally,it is easy to get a reasonable optimal design parameters through observation and analysis of the results from the graphics, resulting in the optimal graphics and the most suitable parameters of this model.
Key word: Multimode resonant filter   HFSS simulation   modeling   
           optimization of design parameters
Abstract    3
第一章 绪论    3
1.1研究背景及意义    3
1.2国内外研究现状    4
1.3本文的主要工作以及内容安排    5
第二章 微波滤波器的基本概念    7
2.1微波滤波器的原理    7
2.2滤波器的技术指标    7
2.3理想低通滤波器的设计    9
2.4.1最平坦型低通滤波器    10
2.4.2切比雪夫低通滤波器    10
2.4.3椭圆函数低通滤波器    11
2.5滤波器变换    12
2.5.1低通滤波器向高通滤波器变换    13
2.5.2低通滤波器向带通滤波器变换    13
2.5.3低通滤波器向带阻滤波器变换    14
2.6滤波器的实现    14
2.6.1理查德变换    15
2.6.2科洛达恒变换    15
第三章 双模滤波器的基本原理    16 HFSS多模谐振型微带滤波器的仿真:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_15014.html