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时间:2018-05-09 22:13来源:毕业论文

关键词  无线网络传感器  节点定位  MSP430  nRF2401  RSSI算法
Title  The Development of Monitoring Software for Wireless Sensor Networks                                                  
This article describes how to use a wireless sensor network node localization. Wireless sensor network node system is designed based on MSP430 and nRF2401 .  
  In order to achieve positioning,system uses ultra-low consumption, high operation speed of the MSP430 microcontroller as the system controller;uses nRF2401 ShockBurstTM transceiver mode to transfer and communicate for data.As a result of using MSP430 family of ultra-low-consumption MCU,system power consumption is relatively too low.Node localization algorithm is based on RSSI algorithm.
  Node positioning technology is one of the main technologies for wireless sensor network positioning technology.Node location information is critical, and unknown node position needs to know clearance data communications to achieve their location of node localization. The article introduces several positioning algorithm,and detailed introduces the algorithm based on RSSI .
Keyword  Wireless sensor networks  Node localization  MSP430  nRF2401
         RSSI algorithm
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  国内外的研究现状    2
2  无线传感器网络的节点设计    4
2.1  无线传感器网络    4
2.2  传感器节点设计    5
2.2.1  数据处理器单元    5
2.2.2  无线通信单元    5
2.2.3  硬件实物图    6
2.3  本章小结    6
3  无线传感器网络系统的硬件设计    7
3.1  单片机MSP430    7
3.1.1  MSP430简述    7
3.1.2  MSP430G2X53引脚图    9
3.1.3  MSP430G2X53功能框图    9
3.1.4  MSP430G2553实物图    10
3.2  nRF2401    11
3.3  本章小结    14
4  无线传感器网络系统的软件设计    14
4.1  IAR简述    15
4.2  软件功能    15
4.3  软件设计流程图    15
4.3.1  汇聚节点软件设计流程图    15
4.3.2  参考节点软件设计流程图    16
4.3.3  移动节点软件设计流程图    17
4.4  本章小结    18 MSP430单片机基于RSSI的无线传感器网络节点自定位方法研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_15301.html