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时间:2018-05-30 19:22来源:毕业论文

关键词  FPGA  无线接收  数据存储  USB传输
Title   Wireless data receiving and storage circuit design  based on FGPA                                                             
Since FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)was incepted,it has always maintained a rapid development.Based on the low cost,high integration,the advantages of online programming,short development cycle,advantage of FPGA in signal acquisition,processing and storage is more and more obvious.Firstly,the FPGA chip has a very strong logic control,and now most of them are integrated with DSP chip module,the digital signal processing capacity can be said to have further improved.
This paper introduces the design of wireless data receiving and storage circuit based on FPGA.In the data receiving and storage system,the FPGA device is the core of the control system,the function modules of the control system.The external analog signal is received through the PA+nRF24LE1 wireless RF chip,after low noise filtering and processed by FPGA and RF chip,it finally enter into the storage device where can be preserved,the data can be stored in the chip selection or uploaded to external devices through the USB.
Keywords  FPGA  wireless receiving  data storing  USB transfer
目   次
1  引言    1
1.1  选题背景与意义    1
1. 2  发展现状与趋势    1
1. 3  论文主要工作和章节安排    3
2  FPGA开发关键技术分析    5
2. 1  FPGA技术    5
2. 2  FPGA的基本结构    5
2. 3  FPGA芯片选择    6
2. 4  FPGA的常用开发工具    6
2. 5  FPGA设计流程    7
3  系统的实现方法    8
3.1  高速数据接收存储电路硬件设计    8
3. 2  产品器件介绍及分析    8
3.2.1  低噪声放大器    8
3.2.2  无线射频芯片    9
3.2.3  FPGA芯片    11
3.2.4  存储芯片    14
3.2.5  USB传输    15
3.3  高速数据接收存储电路软件设计    15
4  系统调试及测试    17
4.1  版级调试    17
4.2  测试结果及分析    17
结  论    18
致  谢    19
 1  引言
1.1  选题背景与意义
随着射频、微波技术的迅猛发展以及电路集成化的越加成熟,新兴的无线通信技术给传统技术领域带来了巨大变革,不仅拓宽了研究的领域,而且也加剧了世界范围内在此领域的竞争。虽然通信技术涵盖的领域逐渐扩大,但近年来无线通信在整个通信领域的发展地位依旧是无法撼动的,无线数据的接收与存储技术正是其中重要的一个技术领域。和有线数据传输方式相比,无线传输对传输线的依赖大大降低,在我们的日常使用以及某些存在特殊要求的环境中,无线通信技术的优势愈发明显。比如在互联通信、电子支付、电子家居、环境监测、医疗检测以及国防武器等领域已经有了快速的发展与广阔的应用前景。 基于FPGA的无线数据接收与存储电路设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_16626.html