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时间:2018-07-05 15:24来源:毕业论文

关键词  激光雷达  时间相关单光子计数技术  光子计数  去噪算法
Title    Study on photon counting 3D imaging laser radar  range image denoising algorithm                       
LiDAR works through a variety of work modes that is an active 3D imaging system. Compared to the microwave radar, LiDAR has many merits, for example higher angular resolution, smaller pergence angle and other advantages, and has been widely used in various fields, such as civil and military fields. (TCSPC) Time-correlated single photon counting technique develops on Single photon counting technique, and it is a discrete random signal sampling techniques, the features can be extracted by analyzing the statistical information, analysis features. TCSPC is a new discrete sampling techniques, and has the ability of photon counts, and a very high time resolution. TCSPC LiDAR based on the pulsed laser ranging, both reduces the laser intensity and increase the measure range and the ranging accuracy. With the recent relevant information, a reasonable reliable detection model is established; then the practical experiment was done to extract the accurate distance.
Keywords  LiDAR  TCSPC  photon-counting  Denoising-algorithm
目   录
1  绪论 1
1.1  研究背景与选题意义 1
1.1.1  激光雷达的应用 1
1.1.2  时间相关单光子计数型激光雷达 1
1.2  时间相关单光子计数型激光雷达系统原理 1
1.3  本论文的主要研究重点 2
1.4  本论文的组织结构 2
2  激光雷达系统及关键器件特性分析 5
2.1  激光雷达的工作原理   5
2.1.1  相位式激光雷达 5
2.1.2  脉冲式激光雷达 6
2.2  激光雷达扫描系统 6
    2.2.1  振镜扫描 7
    2.2.2  传镜扫描 7
2.3  光电探测器 8
2.3.1  雪崩光电二极管 8
2.3.2  光电倍增管 10
2.4  时间相关单光子计数型激光雷达系统 11
    2.4.1  时间相关单光子计数型激光雷达 11
 3  提取目标距离算法研究 13
3.1  信号分析 13
3.1.1  介绍方法 13
3.1.2  马尔可夫蒙特卡罗方法 15
3.2  实验及分析 16
3.3结论 19
 4  基于光子计数的三文成像算法研究 21
4.1  基于最大似然估计算法的成像方法 21
    4.1.1  概率模型分析 21
    4.1.2  实验结果分析 24
4.2  空间滤波 29
    4.2.1  顺序均值统计(rank-order mean, ROM) 29 光子计数三维成像激光雷达距离图像去噪算法的研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_18914.html